Sadly I think the US being on this list has more to do with obesity than anything else, though there are plenty of people there with northern European ancestry so genetics plays a part.
I think you may have missed Jordan off the list (Brits will know what I mean). I'm glad to see you have other areas of expertise - not just science/ physics/ languages/ religion/ geography/history/medicine/films and music : )
Why would Brits know what you mean? I don't get it. Though a lot of women around the Western half of the Arabian peninsula and throughout the Levant are very curvacious... average cup size in Jordan is actually only an A cup.
Interesting if you look up stats on where the most winners of international beauty contests come from... or public opinion polls on which countries have the most beautiful women... often there is a pretty strong correlation with most of the countries on this list. Venezuela, Colombia, Sweden, Norway, Russia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, the Netherlands, Denmark and the USA especially..
I am proud to be Bulgarian and to bury myself into a boob sea :P I guess I could attribute some to boza (rye-based very low alcoholic drink that is known to enlarge women's breasts).
Jokes aside, kalbahamut, how would you explain the breast size in Europe (especially the Nordic countries)?
just good genes, I guess. Perhaps there is some basis in evolutionary biology- it helps insulate the breasts in winter so the milk doesn't freeze up and the babies go hungry perhaps. Or it could just be a random fluke mutation like red hair.
A lot of those countries (scandinavian, netherlands, maybe also luxembourg and germany?), the people are taller than average too. Any correllation between heigth and boobsize?
I wonder why canada isnt on there if cold is a factor. Maybe because most people living in canada now arent really native like in scandinavia? just a thought.
Height and boob mass? I think yes. Height and cup size? I think no. But maybe. and yes I'd surmise that Canada, being a recently founded country of immigrants, hasn't been around long enough for evolution to have much of an impact.
I'm surprised Israel didn't make the list. EVERY Israeli/Israeli-ancestry girl I've met was busty and most of them complained how they could only find properly-fitting bras for themselves back in Israel. (I'm Canadian... and speaking as a woman, our sizes are all over the map, but I'm also a bit surprised we weren't on it since we're usually similarly sized to the US clothing-wise).
Average Israeli size is actually, believe it or not, an A cup. There are quite a few busty Israelis with Russian, Polish, or German ancestry, but apparently not enough to bring up the average that much.
Average in Canada is a C cup. Same as in France and the UK, so that makes sense. I think there are more people in the USA with German and Scandinavian ancestries than in Canada. I think there is also more obesity and plastic surgery.
First attempt: 17/20. It's a pity because on this site "Holland" is usually equivalent to "Netherlands", but not in this quiz. Otherwise I would have got 18/20.
I had a better pic. Seems to have been deleted from Wikimedia. This one is of Ewa Sonnet, who is Polish. Poland would definitely be among my first guesses but it's not on the quiz, but hard to find pics of big boobs on Wikimedia.
We Saw Your Boobs
We Saw Your Boobs #2
Countries With the Smallest Boobies
Jokes aside, kalbahamut, how would you explain the breast size in Europe (especially the Nordic countries)?
I wonder why canada isnt on there if cold is a factor. Maybe because most people living in canada now arent really native like in scandinavia? just a thought.
Average in Canada is a C cup. Same as in France and the UK, so that makes sense. I think there are more people in the USA with German and Scandinavian ancestries than in Canada. I think there is also more obesity and plastic surgery.