This scandal, which shares a name with a popular and incredibly stupid film franchise, convinced most of the country that the ATF was intentionally letting guns get in to the hands of Mexican drug cartels.
Fast and Furious
The Obama administration fails to defend itself or address the above fallacy, for fear of angering this embarrassingly influential gun manufacturers' lobby group.
4 unarmed students are killed and 9 wounded when the National Guard fires on a crowd of protesters at this Ohio university in 1970.
Kent State
The US Army under General Custer is routed by indigenous tribes at this battle in 1876.
Little Bighorn
Reckless Wall Street investment and speculating practices result in a massive stock market crash and worldwide economic depression in 1929 during the presidency of this businessman.
Herbert Hoover
Apparently not having learned their lesson, decades of banking deregulation leads to a similar crash in 2008, the last year of this man's presidency.
George W Bush
In 1814 following the Battle of Bladensburg, this city is captured and burned by the British.
Washington, DC
Some say the launch of this satellite in 1957 signaled that Americans had lost the space race.
In 1865 this man assassinates President Abraham Lincoln.
John Wilkes Booth
And in 1963, this man assassinates President Kennedy; though 50 years later some people still aren't convinced.
Lee Harvey Oswald
On September 11th, 2001, this terrorist organization successfully murders 2,977 civilians. 15 years later, some people still aren't convinced.
Al Qaeda
In a completely masturbatory gesture, and as one of its first official acts, the 112th Congress in 2011 takes up time for an out-loud reading of this document. References to Slavery and Prohibition are edited out of the version read.
After years of lowering the bar to make way for shows featuring Jerry Springer, Paris Hilton, Anna Nicole Smith, and Kim Kardashian, this overweight child beauty pageant contestant becomes the star of her own "Reality TV" show in 2012.
Honey Boo Boo
Flabbergastingly, the above show originally airs on this network.
The Learning Channel
This low-budget and mind-numbingly retarded horror film becomes immensely popular and kicks off the faux "found footage" craze in 1999.
The Blair Witch Project
Followers of messiah David Koresh burn to death on a compound in this Texas locale in 1993.
Stella Liebeck successfully sues this company for $3 million after burning herself with hot coffee in 1994.
In response to French opposition to the invasion of Iraq in 2003, Congress elects to rename french fries served in its cafeterias to this.
Freedom Fries
In 2005 this state's board of education votes to give equal time to the "theories" of "Intelligent Design" and Evolution. Fortunately they overturn this decision by 2007. But still...
In 1992 President George HW Bush vomits on the prime minister of this country.
Having surpassed China and Russia sometime in the early 21st century, the USA becomes the #1 country in the world in terms of the rate of this.
And finally, because there's simply no words for this I'm pasting the whole thing, the Republican party of this state includes as part of its 2012 platform the following statement:
"We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills, critical thinking skills and similar programs ... which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority."
what gave you the impression I would have liked this movie?
I'm a committed skeptic. I think that probably comes across more than anything else in my comments and quizzes. I don't believe in ghosts, or witches, or gods, or any similar nonsense. Movies do not scare me. Not The Ring. Certainly not Freddy. And absolutely not The Blair Witch- which my cousin and I could not stop laughing through. We were in hysterics the whole time. The movie was just SO cheesy and dumb. The concept that it was "found footage" was ridiculous. And if it WAS actually real footage, then nothing scary or creepy happened in the movie because in real life there are no witches. So I think this dumb concept only works if you already believe in supernatural BS like this. I hated Blair Witch because nothing happens in the movie. The acting is *actrocious*. The script just unbelievably bad. The sound of sticks breaking isn't scary. Piles of rocks are not scary. Getting lost because you threw your map
Anyway... I hated this movie and there's no amount of chances I could give it that would change my mind. But I'm happy that you enjoyed it. Best thing I got out of it was that my friends and I for years could say any random line from the film and everybody would just bust out laughing. My favorite was probably "it's the SAME LOG!!!"
I hate scary movies that have nothing to say, no good story, no interesting characters, just... trying to scare you or gross you out. I hate the Saw movies. Just disgusting torture porn. Or Hostel. Even worse. I hate movies like The Ring or The Grudge that only exist to creep you out, even though I respect their attempts at telling something like a story. I hate the ones that try to make you jump and nothing else.
The woman was 79. She was served a coffee that was around 190 deg F. and as a result, suffered severe third degree burns that required skin grafts, and several years of treatment. She offered to settle for the cost of the medical bills several times. The final amount she actually received, $640,000, was, reportedly, not even enough to pay her medical bills and legal fees. So if you take the two seconds to read past the unsympathetic headlines, you realize that you're demonizing an elderly woman who spent years of her life recovering from a debilitating injury resulting from corporate negligence.
On the other hand, if you're talking about the Christian god who is very clearly described in the Bible, and if we are to assume that the Bible is a reliable source of information about this character, then we can disprove the existence of that god quite easily with simple logical proofs. The descriptions of the god Yahweh/Jehovah/Jesus are internally inconsistent and make certain claims about reality, history etc that we know are wrong.
But that's not what I was talking about. I was talking about Evolution. Evolution is observable scientific fact.
but while I appreciate your admiration of my generous endowment I'm not sure this is the best place to bring it up.