
Even More Google Suggestions

These are the important questions that preoccupy netizens today.
*this is actually the #4 suggestion. The top 3 were all things I thought quizmaster would deem unacceptable.
edited to make the answers easier
Quiz by kalbahamut
Last updated: December 1, 2018
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First submittedMay 5, 2013
Times taken2,492
Average score25.0%
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What happens if you google ______
Is it wrong to _____*
Is Michael Bay the _____ ________ ever
worst director
Is it okay to eat ___ ____
raw eggs
I hate it when Voldemort uses my _______
Can pigs ____
Do Koreans eat ____
Is Fox News ______
Is Charlie Sheen ____
What does it smell like when someone is smoking _____
Is my family ______
Why are Brazilians so ____ _______
good looking
Why are Canadians so ______
Are Americans allowed to travel to ____
Is Israel in ____
Why are women so _________
Why are men so ____
Do people hate __
Is Justin Beiber __________
What goes best with _____
Level ∞
May 8, 2013
Good quiz. A little on the hard side. It really depends on your search history and location. For example, when I type "Is Justin Bieber", the first three results are dead, on drugs and a Christian. Of course, the obvious first hit for that is probably being censored by Google.
Level 81
May 9, 2013
haha. yes... I know it is based on location and I'm in a strange location so I might end up with some strange answers. I didn't include a few that were very obviously specific to the Gulf region.

The quiz is hard I know, because some of the answers are just so weird. The suggestions actually came usually when you had typed in far less than I gave in the clue, but I took it up to the last one or two words in an attempt to make it a bit easier. The original Google Suggestions quiz was more obvious, though, aside from one or two answers, and perhaps more fun for that reason even if this one will make you scratch your head more when the answers are revealed.

Level 81
May 9, 2013
took me a minute to figure out what you meant by the obvious first answer, but I don't think that is censored, if we're both talking about the same thing. Try typing in "is Clay Aiken" for example and see what gets suggested. When I just type in "is"... I get "is WWE fake?" haha... I guess that can go on part 3 of these if I ever make one.
Level 81
May 9, 2013
Some funny things come up if you Just start with "is" and then type in a letter... here are some of the things that are obviously local: Is + a = "is abortion legal in bahrain." Is + k = "Is KFC halal." Is + b = "Is Bahrain safe." Is + l = "is love marriage accepted in Islam." :) I like Is + e = "is egg vegetarian." That might also go on the next one.
Level 47
Jul 9, 2014
Gay was my first guess
Level 81
Jul 9, 2014
right I finally got that that's what QM was getting at... though it took me a while since it didn't occur to me that someone would feel the word "gay" would need to be censored. And like I said, it's not.

Though here in The Philippines I type in "Is Justin Beiber" and the top result is "circumcised." "bi" is #2, "dead" is #3, "Illuminati" is the 4th most popular answer.

Level 66
Jun 12, 2016
I got "dead", "retiring", and "Canadian".
Level 76
Jul 15, 2014
Is "Beiber" an intentional spelling error? Bieber would be the real way to spell it, but I understand half the fans at least spell it wrong, so "Beiber" would be appropriate here too.
Level 81
Jul 15, 2014
haha.. I must admit I don't care. But the suggestions are probably the same regardless of spelling, so... the clue isn't incorrect.
Level 33
Mar 26, 2024
So confused by the Voldemort one