
History by Letter - X

Name these historical people, places, and things beginning with the letter X.
Quiz by kalbahamut
Last updated: October 4, 2018
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First submittedNovember 25, 2014
Times taken3,643
Average score35.0%
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Kublai Khan's summer capital
1/4 of the great ancient capitals of China
Great king of Persia after Darius
Birthplace and name of St Francis, apostle of the Indies
Musical instrument invented in SE Asia
Brazilian river and oldest settlement
Treaty port city of China
Ancient Greek concept of hospitality
Dictator of the Galactic Confederacy c. 75,000,000 years ago
Noble gas used in the first lasers
Röntgen won the first Nobel in Physics for detecting them
Majorcan Jews forced to convert to Christianity
City in Mozambique formerly João Belo
Alternate spelling of the Greek god of death
Company that invented photocopiers
Failed NFL spinoff of 2001
Longest-running military action in African colonial history
Xhosa Wars
Large historically Muslim Chinese region
16th century abbreviation wrongly thought to be a secular attack on Christmas
Game console released in 2001
Level 78
Nov 25, 2014
I wouldn't call it "history", I guess life isn't easy with X but I'd say too many of them don't refer to "history"
Level 81
Nov 25, 2014
Why not? We've got.. Kublai Khan who lived in the 13th century. Francis Xavier who did missionary work in the 16th century. A Chinese city that was first a capital in 221 BC. An emperor from the 5th century BC. An instrument invented in the 9th century. A Brazilian city founded in 800. The treaty ports were established in the 1840s. The ancient Greek concept is, well, ancient. Lasers were developed in the 1950s. Muslim Turks first moved into China hundreds of years ago. ... the oldest thing on here dates back 75 million years ago and the newest is from 2001.
Level 78
Nov 25, 2014
I'm not saying there's no history in this quiz but I'm saying that too many of the questions don't fit the history category well enough.

Of course everything can be looked at from a historical point of view but this way you could turn the periodic table or the countries of the world quizzes into history ones!

Level 81
Nov 25, 2014
yeah, so, every question here related to history in some way. Sorry if you found the connections unsatisfying.
Level 76
Nov 25, 2014
Whatever you call it, it's a great quiz! But I agree that probably "General Knowledge by Letter X" would be more accurate here; "history" is a bit a stretch for a few of these questions.
Level 81
Nov 25, 2014
Well, scambigol is correct. X is a little hard to work with. Which is, I'm sure, why others passed over the letter. But I tried. :P

There were of course many answers that I could have put in here but chose not to. In those cases it was either because a) they really had nothing to do with history at all. Mostly computer terminology or contemporary product names. or b) they were historical but just incredibly obscure.

Level 81
Nov 25, 2014
In my quizzes defense, though... look at, for example, History by Letter - Y. You've got amongst the answers: the Yucatan peninsula, the Yellow River, Yankee, Yalta, Yule, Yiddish, Yom Kippur, Yodeling, and Yukon. All of those could just as easily be answers to questions that had nothing to do with history. I don't think my quiz is stretching any more than some of the ones that have been on the front page already.
Level 81
Dec 8, 2014
And look at "Q"... they only managed to squeeze out 17 questions for that not even the usual 20, and still resorted to questions about politics, literature, mythology, science, and religion. I'm feeling better about how this quiz turned out more and more, the more I think about it. Why didn't you guys complain about those other quizzes not being historical? They're exactly the same... is it just because of the XBox question? Video games aren't illustrious enough a pursuit to appear on a history quiz? and that got you looking at and scrutinizing all the other questions, too?
Level 69
Nov 25, 2014
Decided that if I ever have a son, I will call him Xerxes.
Level 81
Nov 25, 2014
It's a good name. And when he does something right you can say, "atta Xerxes!!"

History quiz humor

Level 66
Jan 8, 2018
That's the best kind of Humor!
Level 87
Jan 25, 2017
I suggest to add a question about Xenophon. He's a quite famous Greek, don't you think?
Level 81
Jan 25, 2017
Sure. If Quizmaster ever decides to feature this one then maybe we could take off the question about the Xueta Jews or Xingu and add Xenophon instead.
Level 96
Jan 10, 2018
no please, the xueta question is imho one of the most history related ones in this quiz, even if quite obscure (i did not knew that but that's why i particularly appreciated this quiz).

besides Xenophon, which i warmly suggest featuring, another question with X could be Xanthos (or Xanthus): one of Achilles' horses (where Achilles is as historical a charachter as Xenu, if not more).

Only downside i see is that the quiz could be too much greek-centric with these two.

Level 65
Jan 8, 2018
Would have gotten one more had you used "Ohio city" as the Xenia clue.
Level 66
Jan 8, 2018
Didn't know there was this much "X" History! Good Quiz!
Level 94
Nov 4, 2021
Too "X" centric.