Still not more standard, correct, proper, original, authentic or international than any other variety. But the dialect spoken by the useless monarch that is from the same place as said dialect ? We'll give you that. Thanks for taking the quiz.
Other things Apple freaks think Apple invented: personal computers, graphical user interface, computer mice, internal modems, the smart watch. Did I miss anything?
It can be used to mean that, in a metaphorical sense. Sort of the same way we can talk about "the war on poverty" without actually dropping bombs on poor people. But that doesn't change what the word "war" means.
no, the Arabic root "jahada" does not mean "war", it means "effort", so here, you're just letting your own personal opinions regarding Islam and religion in general (which are pretty obvious throughout your comments on this website) filter into your quiz.
I've often wondered if Jesus really created Christianity. That's why I'd like to know who did. Do you know or have any sources I could read or something like that?
of course Jesus did not found Christianity. *If* Jesus was even a real person (there is a growing scholarly minority that believes he was not), then the accounts of his life and teachings that we have tell us that he saw himself as a Jew and as someone that upheld the Mosaic laws. He was claimed to be the messiah of Jewish mythology. He preached that the world was going to end within a generation; he and his followers all believed that it was all going to end before the last of them had died- why would they be trying to start a brand new religion? That would be like waking up to find your house on fire and then running to the store to buy new curtains.
Long after Jesus' death, the gospels and other books of the New Testament were written, many by anonymous authors, and the doctrines of the Christian faith began to take shape. The man who almost everyone agrees was most instrumental in turning the Jesus messiah/apocalypse cult into a religion is Paul the Apostle. Google him.
aside: of course, if he wasn't a real person, then he no more founded Christianity than Zeus found Greek pantheism, or Shiva founded Hinduism, and stating that he did is every bit as silly as making either of those claims. Currently the consensus is that the stories were at least based on a flesh and blood man, but in a century or so we may think differently.
If someone died today and noone wrote a single thing about him until 2037, you wouldn't think that was a long time? Also, where do you get 20 years from? Mark was written about 35-40 years after the alleged death of Jesus, and is usually regarded as the oldest of the gospels. Ask yourself, why is it just because something was written 2000 years ago before the birth of such concepts as skepticism, scientific method, fact checking or journalistic integrity does it instantly become infinitely more credible? Can you imagine how little you would regard a claim made today, published by an anonymous author, that there was a messiah that you had heretofore never heard of, who had died in 1977? And while this "messiah" performed miracles, resurrected corpses, walked on water, and came back to life causing earthquakes and zombie hordes etc, oddly NOBODY saw fit to write any of this down in the intervening 40 years? Think of how easy it would be to disregard these claims out of hand.
That's simply unbelievable. There are many many many many records from every province of the Roman Empire from the first century. The were many literate Romans. They were meticulous record keepers. We have many records of very mundane things. And you expect me to believe that of the many astounding and miraculous things described in the Bible we have not a SINGLE extra-Biblical account? Including the sun being blotted out which would have been observable all over the entire planet. That's not just unlikely, it's impossible.
There are extra-Biblical accounts; however, if you were present during one of these miracles/hallucinations, you would probably be converted. As to the sun being blotted out, firstly there's such a thing as an eclipse (one of which I recently saw), and secondly according to the Bible God is a supernatural deity, meaning that He doesn't exactly have difficulty making the sun appear normal to people elsewhere.
Here's a Wikipedia page listing Biblical characters whose existence has been unambiguously confirmed by secular sources:
And this source pays off if you read it through (though it will probably look hideously Christian):
I started replying to every bit of nonsense here but I got tired. The fact that no extra-Biblical accounts exist of any of the many miraculous events in the Bible should prove to you that the Bible is false but I'm aware of how powerful denial and self-deception can be.
As to there being extra-Biblical accounts of certain things in the Bible, I never said the ENTIRE Bible was a fabrication. We know Pilate and Herod were real people they are very well documented. We know the Roman Empire was real. We know ancient Egypt was real. We know some ancient Hebrews were held in captivity in Babylon. There is some archaeological evidence for the kingdom of David. None of this proves that Jesus was a real person or that the (contradictory) accounts of his life in the gospels are accurate. If you want to say that it does, then I submit that the existence of New York City proves that Spider-Man is a real person.
I'm familiar with Ehrman. I tend to agree with him. I think Jesus was likely a real person. I can see the Bible contains all sorts of obvious fabrications. I assume that the life of Jesus as told in the Bible is heavily mythologized. I see the many obvious contradictions in the Bible, along with historical inaccuracies, additions, errors, etc. I think Ehrman would agree with all these things. I've listened to many of his lectures.
Where we would disagree is I think that he is too quick to dismiss the Jesus mythicists, like Richard Carrier (they hate each other). It's my personal opinion that Ehrman and most historians have a more plausible case, but Carrier's position is worth considering, and even if Jesus were a real person it doesn't change the fact that we have ZERO evidence of this. If he were just a carpenter's son and itinerant rabbi who was executed by the Romans that would be peculiar. If he was a living god who performed miracles publicly, it seems impossible.
And finally, all of the above is irrelevant to the quiz. Jesus could have been the living son of God. He could have performed miracles. He could have been executed and then resurrected before ascending to heaven. And he still wouldn't be the founder of Christianity.
Someone here had previously asked if I was familiar with Bart Ehrman (noted Biblical scholar who is on record as disagreeing passionately with Jesus mythicists), I think implying that he'd disagree with me. But we actually agree on almost all points.
Paul never met Jesus. He saw him only in a vision. But his writings may have been the basis for as many as 14 of the 27 New Testament books. Other notable figures in the formation of the Christian religion include Emperor Constantine, whose conversion to and patronage of Christianity changed it from the backwoods cult it was into the dominant world religion that it became, and also led to it becoming essentially a Roman religion; and St Peter, who Christian tradition holds founded the Church (after Jesus' death- another question: how do you found a religion whose central doctrine is salvation through your own death and resurrection, before you have died?), and became the first pope- though, scholars today are also questioning whether or not St Peter was in fact a real person. We know with a high degree of certainty that Paul and Constantine were real people.
Paul had a vision, but he learned from it that he was on the wrong path. I hope you have the same vision that he had for you to stop being an animal.
Saint Peter, Saint Jerome, etc. NOTHING EXISTS. This is the invention of Catholics. For them, they have to canonize everyone who was good during their lives. These men existed, but the "saint" NEVER EXISTED.
A critique of your religion does not constitute disrespect towards you (not necessarily, at least, though Kal tends to be quite hostile in his critiques). If you can't tolerate critiques, don't critize yourself. Doesn't your book say something about casting stones? In fact, you demand respect for your beliefs, but then scorn and insult those who don't share your beliefs. That's incredibly hypocritical (and morally abhorrent). Not that that's surprising, given that religious beliefs and hypocrisy often go hand in hand.
I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep, and they know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep.
John 10: 14-15
You, my sheep, sheep from my pasture, are my people, and I am your God. Word of the Sovereign, the Lord.
Ezekiel 34:31
For this is what the Sovereign Lord says: I myself will seek out my sheep and look after them. Just as the shepherd seeks out the scattered sheep when he is taking care of the flock, I will also take care of my sheep. I will rescue them from all the places where they were scattered on a day of clouds and darkness.
Patience ... All are God's sheep. It doesn't matter if you are a believer or an atheist, they are all sheep, and God takes care of them. For you, it shouldn't be desired, but for me it is.
More include St Jerome (whose Latin bible became "THE Bible"), Athanasius (who invented the doctrine of the trinity), Anthony (who founded the first Christian monastery), and Ignatius (whose 1st century writings influenced early Christian beliefs).
Incidentally Muhammad did not see himself as founder of a new religion, either. Though he did insist that people accept him as a prophet, and tradition has it that he authored the Quran (unlike Jesus who died long before the Christian Bible was written); still he saw himself as following the religion of Moses, Abraham, and even Jesus. It's hard to pin down who played the role most like Paul the Apostle for Muslims in the early days of Islam, as Muslim countries do not have the strong secular academic tradition that Western countries have (and scholarly inquiry into the subject is stymied by blasphemy laws), but we could credit Abu Bakr, who actually had the Koran written down, or Uthman, who had contradictory versions of it burned.
Kal, you said you read the Bible. Then he became an atheist. You only became an atheist because you read the Catholic Bible, and all its millions of saints. Read the Protestant Bible, and as you said in a CBTemple quiz:
The Catholic Bible isn't that different from your redacted and abridged version. Their Bible has nothing to do with Catholic reverence for saints. That comes more from the fact that Christianity didn't become popular and widespread until it was co-opted by Constantine and became a thoroughly Roman religion. The saints were basically the Christian version of Roman polytheism. But that's not the only thing; it's impossible that there are not elements of Roman polytheism in whatever backwoods fundamentalist version of Christianity you have, in your obviously limited experience in the world, come to haughtily believe is the True Christianity.
Impossible Kal? Christianity has no polytheism. It becomes a possible thing. You can cite polytheistic religions, but never that Christianity will be polytheistic, besides that God, Jesus and Holy Spirit are practically one person.
Took me a while to 'get' this, but - magnificent. Missed 4. I had forgotten that it had to be *diet* soda, the story that I read (which involved Cheney or Rumsfeld or one of that crowd) was that the NutraSweet turns to wood alcohol, or something like that? I need to find it again and check my 'facts'. Should have got 'bipolar', I guess. Never heard the JLC story. I'm a bit sad that BATF didn't work for ATF.
diet soda has been accused of, but never proven to, cause all sorts of health problems. I'm staying with this GMO-hating vegan in Greece right now who thinks the fact that I consume Diet Coke is unconscionable. I find this hilarious as she drinks like a fish and smokes like a chimney, but whatever.
Whatever sweetener they were using in the 1980-ish time frame did cause reactions in a lot of people. Saccharine or whatever it was. Not in everyone, just some. The stuff was gross, even more chemically than most artificial crap. It caused gum rashes, yes headaches, and other minor maladies. Whether it was an allergic reaction or a low tolerance to the chemical I can't recall. But the fallout from that one has led a lot of people to associate all sweeteners, whether also chemical junk or natural based like Sucralose with that one from 40 years ago.
You'll have to provide a source. Because there were also a lot of false claims that artificial sweeteners caused headaches, that red M&Ms caused cancer, etc etc. There was one (now seen as flawed) study on Saccharine back in the 1970s that led to this sweetener being banned in the US link, even while it continues to be used in most other countries.
Not that I think they're evil or anything...but 'season's greetings' and 'happy holidays' feel awkward to me, especially the latter. What other important holidays are there, really, around December? New Year's Day is a lot less important, and Hanukkah is not really the most important Jewish holiday (it's really Yom Kippur).
Happy Holidays was originally shorthand for saying "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year" though there are many holidays around the time of year, especially on the Catholic calendar. Hannukah was thrown in as an afterthought much later to be more inclusive. Kwanzaa was invented even later for the same reason. If you want you can group in the various pagan holidays that Christmas is based on like Yule and Saturnalia. But the short version is that it is referring to Christmas and New Year's. That's the genesis of the phrase. It was never meant as an attack on Christmas.
And "Season' Greetings was always referring to the "Christmas season," so... it actually makes a lot more sense to use this phrase instead of "Merry Christmas".... unless it happens to be December 25th. But now we've got people insisting you start saying Merry Christmas on November 1st. (in the Philippines I've recently discovered they start on September 1st which is even worse... they call these the "'ber months"
Yet tell the average person that Allah is just the Arabic language word for the exact same god in Christianity and wrath is unleashed. I don't get it. It's an inarguable fact, not an opinion.
I've never seen that inspire wrath. Though I guess I could imagine some Christians who hate Islam getting mad about that. And these days... tons of people will argue with you over facts.
You must've missed the entire War On "Terror" and its encouragement by Fox, evangelicals, chawbacons and the like. People were blasted in politics, clergy, entertainment, etc. for pointing out the basic fact that Abrahamic religions obviously have the same deity even if they're named after a Civil War figure.
oh. Well... they're not the same thing. Even if one spawned the other. And if you believe that these imaginary characters exist, implying that they're all the same I can see as something that would make you angry. But what you said before is different from that. If you told someone "Allah" is the Arabic word for "the god".... that's quite a bit different from saying "you know, Allah is the same god as the Christian god."
No I didn't miss anything. But I do think you may be exaggerating a little. And also the first thing you said is a little misleading.
According to Muslim tradition, the god of the Jews and Christians is the same god that they worship, even though the Jewish and Christian holy books have been corrupted and the Jews and Christians worship wrong.
According to Jews and Christians, though, Muslims are blasphemers and heretics following a false prophet.
Long after Jesus' death, the gospels and other books of the New Testament were written, many by anonymous authors, and the doctrines of the Christian faith began to take shape. The man who almost everyone agrees was most instrumental in turning the Jesus messiah/apocalypse cult into a religion is Paul the Apostle. Google him.
As to there being extra-Biblical accounts of certain things in the Bible, I never said the ENTIRE Bible was a fabrication. We know Pilate and Herod were real people they are very well documented. We know the Roman Empire was real. We know ancient Egypt was real. We know some ancient Hebrews were held in captivity in Babylon. There is some archaeological evidence for the kingdom of David. None of this proves that Jesus was a real person or that the (contradictory) accounts of his life in the gospels are accurate. If you want to say that it does, then I submit that the existence of New York City proves that Spider-Man is a real person.
Where we would disagree is I think that he is too quick to dismiss the Jesus mythicists, like Richard Carrier (they hate each other). It's my personal opinion that Ehrman and most historians have a more plausible case, but Carrier's position is worth considering, and even if Jesus were a real person it doesn't change the fact that we have ZERO evidence of this. If he were just a carpenter's son and itinerant rabbi who was executed by the Romans that would be peculiar. If he was a living god who performed miracles publicly, it seems impossible.
Saint Peter, Saint Jerome, etc. NOTHING EXISTS. This is the invention of Catholics. For them, they have to canonize everyone who was good during their lives. These men existed, but the "saint" NEVER EXISTED.
John 10: 14-15
You, my sheep, sheep from my pasture, are my people, and I am your God. Word of the Sovereign, the Lord.
Ezekiel 34:31
For this is what the Sovereign Lord says: I myself will seek out my sheep and look after them. Just as the shepherd seeks out the scattered sheep when he is taking care of the flock, I will also take care of my sheep. I will rescue them from all the places where they were scattered on a day of clouds and darkness.
Ezekiel 34: 11-12
Kal, you are already God's sheep!
Incidentally Muhammad did not see himself as founder of a new religion, either. Though he did insist that people accept him as a prophet, and tradition has it that he authored the Quran (unlike Jesus who died long before the Christian Bible was written); still he saw himself as following the religion of Moses, Abraham, and even Jesus. It's hard to pin down who played the role most like Paul the Apostle for Muslims in the early days of Islam, as Muslim countries do not have the strong secular academic tradition that Western countries have (and scholarly inquiry into the subject is stymied by blasphemy laws), but we could credit Abu Bakr, who actually had the Koran written down, or Uthman, who had contradictory versions of it burned.
It will be the fastest way to convert again.
Though I feel like I might have doubled up on some of the answers QM used before. I did a cursory check but that's all.
No I didn't miss anything. But I do think you may be exaggerating a little. And also the first thing you said is a little misleading.
According to Jews and Christians, though, Muslims are blasphemers and heretics following a false prophet.