
KalBahamut's April Fools Quiz #2

Guess the answers to this thoroughly researched quiz.
Quiz by kalbahamut
Last updated: October 1, 2018
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First submittedApril 2, 2016
Times taken417
Average score65.0%
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What has Congress refused to put labels on despite many studies proving they are unhealthy?
Which country is actually the world's biggest terrorist organization?
Because it is a system of oppression, what is it impossible for non-White people to be?
And similarly, what is it impossible for women to be?
If a politician is born outside of the USA, which elected office is it impossible for them to obtain?
If you visited the French embassy in London, on which country's sovereign territory would you be standing?
What common kitchen appliance cooks food from the inside out?
What type of civil servant, if asked what their profession is, are legally obligated to tell the truth?
police officer
Who wrote "the ends justify the means?"
Who composed the tune to "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" when only 5 years old?
Which founder of a major religion was morbidly obese?
On what day was Jesus born?
December 25
And on what year?
1 AD
The "immaculate conception" refers to the fact that Mary was what, when she gave birth?
a virgin
In what city was baseball invented?
Which American car saw poor sales in Latin America due to a name that means "doesn't go?"
Chevy Nova
What early settlers of North America enjoyed wearing buckles on their hats?
What important document in US history was signed on July 4, 1776?
Declaration of Independence
If a White person wears a Pocahontas costume for Halloween, which people have been the victim of cultural appropriation?
Native Americans
Who is going to pay for the wall Donald Trump wants to build?
Level 81
Mar 30, 2021
Maybe I should update the last question. Even though Trump is long out of office, and his idiotic wall never got built, and though he misappropriated billions in tax payer dollars in an attempt to fund it Mexico never forwarded us a single peso... there are still those who disbelieve all of the above.
Level 45
Apr 5, 2016
Shouldn't the answer be the redskins for the Pocahontas question :)
Level 81
Apr 5, 2016
The football team?
Level 57
Feb 7, 2019
I thought it was the Warren Family.
Level 72
Sep 19, 2016
I assume this is another are you too dumb to live because some of these are so obviously wrong. Jesus was born in 4BC, Mozart didnt write twinkle twinkle he wrote variations for it. Questions three an four are problems Ive constantly run into. There are so many sexist women out their these days (in America) it gets really annoying.
Level 81
Sep 20, 2016
I assure you the quiz is 100% accurate.
Level 59
Sep 24, 2016
Believe me, Mexico will pay for the wall. Oh, and the wall just got 10 feet higher.

On a more serious note, my science teacher always has said that GMOs are extremely unhealthy. So that's actually false?

Level 46
Nov 28, 2016
Why on earth would they modify plants/animals to make them unhealthy??
Level 81
Nov 28, 2016
well sometimes they do it to make them taste better.
Level 72
Jan 10, 2019
To look better and bigger. That sells more. But isnt necessarily more nutritious. Like how some tomatoes and strawberry are allready, without using genetics, been bred/cultivated/grown (dont know the word in english) to be bigger, but they definitely do not taste better.

People fall for looks over content, and people want money simple as that.

(this has nothing to do with if gmo's are healthy or not, before anyone feels like they have to start that discussion, just a reaction to why would they make them unhealthy, well short answer, the same reason as usual, profit)

Level 81
Jan 10, 2019
^true. GMO plants are a variety of different things: hardier, faster to ripen, better-tasting, slower-to-rot, pest and pesticide-resistant, more aesthetically pleasing, and sometimes even more nutritious. But never are they modified to be less healthy and there is no good evidence at all that they are bad for you.
Level 54
Apr 16, 2021
I don't see any adverse effects with GMO's, but the argument is that we haven't hade them long enough to uncover side affects, and that's where the theorizing starts..........
Level 81
Apr 17, 2021
Through selective cultivation and breeding humans have been practicing genetic modification of organisms since the dawn of civilization. We just have better tools now and better understanding of what we're doing.
Level 59
Oct 11, 2016
Siddartha Gautama is not the laughing fat "Buddha" us westerners have misinterpreted the image as him, when really it belongs to the folkloric Budai, an ancient monk deity from china
Level 59
Oct 11, 2016
Level 81
Oct 11, 2016
A veteran of the site like you doesn't get this? You let me down.
Level 59
Oct 11, 2016
im a veteran? and yes i thought you were being facetious but i just wanted to make sure
Level 81
Oct 12, 2016
I seem to recall you being around and commenting for a while.
Level 62
Nov 24, 2016
Some major mistakes:

1. You misspelled "Merica" in question 2.

2. The answer to 6 is obviously Canada, since the only London i know of is in Ontario.

3. Jesus was born in 0, not 1 A.D., since everyone knows that there is a year zero between 1 B.C. and 1 A.D.

4. "Native Americans" is just political correct nonsense; Pocahontas was an Indian.

Level 81
Nov 25, 2016
good points.
Level 74
Jan 26, 2017
And we all know that microwave ovens cook food alphabetically - first the breast, then the drumsticks, then the wings.

Whoever programmed the code for heating alphabetti spaghetti correctly was a genius

Level 72
Jan 10, 2019
It has only been a few years since I have heard of mercia (not merica) and it confused me, cause at first i thought 'merica was meant. but apparently it is a region in the UK. I like to read very old texts. (and sometimes early maps, going back and forth from weird names to texts about journeys and new places discoverd.)

Ok too much info, irrelevant, I ll stop, dont know what Im typing, too tired..

but wanted to share the mercia bit :

Level 57
Oct 31, 2020
There’s a Murcia in Spain too!
Level 66
Sep 30, 2017
So we have Jesus's birthday entirely wrong! The year was 4BC and the day, nobody knows!
Level 81
Sep 15, 2018
Nobody knows for sure but if we try to place the events described in the Nativity story in the Gospels on a real historical timeline, then we can at least rule out 1 AD as a possible answer. However, the stories in the Gospels are vague, contradictory, historically inaccurate, and not even internally consistent so we can only speculate.
Level 65
Dec 27, 2017
Level 81
Dec 27, 2017
Level 90
Oct 9, 2018
Was that supposed to sound like John Wayne? I couldn't hear it.
Level 72
Jan 10, 2019
maybe accept mexicans aswell as mexico?
Level 62
Apr 23, 2019
Very entertaining! I got a good chuckle out of a few of these. Well done!
Level 51
May 27, 2021
except just gmo for GMOs
Level 51
May 27, 2021
Level 68
Jan 11, 2022
I did surprisingly well on this quiz...
Level 76
Feb 6, 2023
I say have a compromise. Either build a way on half the border or build a 3 foot tall wall.
Level 51
Jan 19, 2024
Almost none of these are true.
Level 34
Apr 10, 2024
Fun quiz. Consider more ridiculous answers for sequels.