Maybe I should update the last question. Even though Trump is long out of office, and his idiotic wall never got built, and though he misappropriated billions in tax payer dollars in an attempt to fund it Mexico never forwarded us a single peso... there are still those who disbelieve all of the above.
I assume this is another are you too dumb to live because some of these are so obviously wrong. Jesus was born in 4BC, Mozart didnt write twinkle twinkle he wrote variations for it. Questions three an four are problems Ive constantly run into. There are so many sexist women out their these days (in America) it gets really annoying.
To look better and bigger. That sells more. But isnt necessarily more nutritious. Like how some tomatoes and strawberry are allready, without using genetics, been bred/cultivated/grown (dont know the word in english) to be bigger, but they definitely do not taste better.
People fall for looks over content, and people want money simple as that.
(this has nothing to do with if gmo's are healthy or not, before anyone feels like they have to start that discussion, just a reaction to why would they make them unhealthy, well short answer, the same reason as usual, profit)
^true. GMO plants are a variety of different things: hardier, faster to ripen, better-tasting, slower-to-rot, pest and pesticide-resistant, more aesthetically pleasing, and sometimes even more nutritious. But never are they modified to be less healthy and there is no good evidence at all that they are bad for you.
I don't see any adverse effects with GMO's, but the argument is that we haven't hade them long enough to uncover side affects, and that's where the theorizing starts..........
Through selective cultivation and breeding humans have been practicing genetic modification of organisms since the dawn of civilization. We just have better tools now and better understanding of what we're doing.
Siddartha Gautama is not the laughing fat "Buddha" us westerners have misinterpreted the image as him, when really it belongs to the folkloric Budai, an ancient monk deity from china
It has only been a few years since I have heard of mercia (not merica) and it confused me, cause at first i thought 'merica was meant. but apparently it is a region in the UK. I like to read very old texts. (and sometimes early maps, going back and forth from weird names to texts about journeys and new places discoverd.)
Ok too much info, irrelevant, I ll stop, dont know what Im typing, too tired..
Nobody knows for sure but if we try to place the events described in the Nativity story in the Gospels on a real historical timeline, then we can at least rule out 1 AD as a possible answer. However, the stories in the Gospels are vague, contradictory, historically inaccurate, and not even internally consistent so we can only speculate.
On a more serious note, my science teacher always has said that GMOs are extremely unhealthy. So that's actually false?
People fall for looks over content, and people want money simple as that.
(this has nothing to do with if gmo's are healthy or not, before anyone feels like they have to start that discussion, just a reaction to why would they make them unhealthy, well short answer, the same reason as usual, profit)
1. You misspelled "Merica" in question 2.
2. The answer to 6 is obviously Canada, since the only London i know of is in Ontario.
3. Jesus was born in 0, not 1 A.D., since everyone knows that there is a year zero between 1 B.C. and 1 A.D.
4. "Native Americans" is just political correct nonsense; Pocahontas was an Indian.
Whoever programmed the code for heating alphabetti spaghetti correctly was a genius
Ok too much info, irrelevant, I ll stop, dont know what Im typing, too tired..
but wanted to share the mercia bit :