
Movies By Absurd Death

Name the movies that featured these absurd causes of death.
Quiz by kalbahamut
Last updated: October 15, 2018
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First submittedApril 22, 2014
Times taken2,692
Average score28.6%
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Absurd Death
Hit in stomach with soccer ball kicked by child
My Name is Khan
Knocked off feet, falls through chain-link fence
Final Destination
So angry he inflates and explodes
Big Trouble in Little China
Incinerated in freak gasoline fight accident
Heartbroken because her boyfriend killed younglings
Revenge of the Sith
Punched in crotch by Jackie Chan
Snake in the Eagle's Shadow
Ingests compressed air pellet, explodes like a balloon
Live and Let Die
Absurd Death
Convinced by plants to kill themselves
The Happening
Melted by bucket of water
Wizard of Oz
Crushed by singing wardrobe
Beauty & the Beast
Exploded by kamikaze crop duster pilot
Independence Day
Juggled by multiple cars after loitering in street
Meet Joe Black
Consumed by mer-man
Cabin in the Woods
Rides atomic bomb all the way to ground zero
Dr. Strangelove
Level 81
Apr 29, 2014
Nobody has seen My Name is Khan? That's gotta be the dumbest death scene in all of cinematic history. Extremely dumb movie, too. So dumb it inspired this quiz, along with another quiz about death scenes that were not quite as stupid.
Level 81
Apr 29, 2014
Level 59
Dec 22, 2018
I got only My name is Khan and Final destination. The death in my name is Khan is ofcourse very absurd but very few have seen it........

It's a great movie though, I recommend watching it........

Level 81
Dec 22, 2018
I hated the whole movie. Thought it was terrible, absurd, and bigoted with a script built on ridiculous stereotypes and false premises. I'd say skip it and watch Forrest Gump.

btw are you from Swat? I watched this movie with my old Pakistani roommate. He was from Swat.

Level 47
Apr 29, 2014
I got 5, which is not bad considering I've seen only 3 of these movies.
Level 81
Apr 30, 2014
I got several I hadn't seen on the quiz above that inspired this one. Sometimes certain scenes become more famous than the movies that they are in.
Level 82
May 5, 2014
Lots of additional possibilities here! Absurd deaths all around in Hollywood! Fun quiz even though I knew very few.
Level 81
May 6, 2014
glad you enjoyed it. :) yes, some of these are a bit obscure, though if you go to YouTube and look for funny death scenes in movies you'll see many of them.
Level 56
Jul 25, 2014
Did anyone else try North by Northwest for the crop duster one?
Level 32
Oct 9, 2014
Yes, I did.
Level 89
Dec 26, 2018
I did too.
Level 68
Feb 2, 2024
Level 87
Jul 28, 2014
Anakin is not Padme's boyfriend in Revenge of the Sith, they are married ;).
Level 81
Jul 28, 2014
yeah I guess so. close enough.
Level 58
Feb 12, 2016
Also, wasn't she killed in anger, by Anakin, who didn't realise what he'd done until Obi Wan told him, causing him to ridiculously wail "NOOOOOOO!"? Or did I miss/mishear something?
Level 81
Feb 12, 2016
No. She survived his force choke and went on to die later shortly after childbirth, though it's never explained why.
Level 81
Feb 12, 2016
Or, I should say, no plausible explanation is given. She's gives birth to two immaculate twins in a remarkably sanitary delivery that takes only seconds, seems in perfect health one second, says something to ObiWan and then dies. There's some throw away line later about her broken heart, I think.
Level 81
Feb 12, 2016
Palpatine lies to Anakin, misleading the latter into thinking that Padme did not survive the incident of domestic abuse. Which is, I guess, why he assumed that his unborn progeny also died.
Level 66
Sep 8, 2017
I've seen a YouTube channel list Padme's death as one of the Top 10 badly enacted movie deaths ever.
Level 41
Dec 21, 2017
the droid midwife says she has lost the will to live due to Anakin turning to the dark side. the thing padme whispers to obi wan just before she dies is "There is still good in him"
Level 41
Dec 21, 2017
does anyone else think that in empire strikes back when the emperor tells vader "we have a new enemy Luke Skywalker, I have no doubt the boy is the offspring of Anakin Skywalker" (paraphrasing I know) why didn't Vader think "hang on you told me my wife died before she could give birth you've been lying to me for about 20 years screw you man"
Level 81
Dec 21, 2017
hm... well not that there aren't inconsistencies between the original trilogy and the prequels, but I don't think that was necessarily one of them. Palpatine never told Vader that his kid had died and neither of them were aware that there were twins. All Palpatine told Vader at the end of episode 3 was that in his rage he had killed her (which was a lie). He didn't say anything about the kids. Obi Wan could have taken his lightsaber and done a taun taun style cesarian section up there on the landing platform. Also it's pretty clear (and also canon) that Vader and Palpatine both came to the conclusion that Luke was Vader's kid sometime between A New Hope and Empire. By the start of Empire Vader already knew who he was. He felt his presence and force sensitivity during the Death Star fight of A New Hope. After this the Empire did some poking around and found that the family name of the pilot who destroyed the Death Star was Skywalker.
Level 60
Nov 7, 2014
I saw the Jackie Chan kill from a Watch Mojo video, but could not remember what it was called
Level 81
Nov 7, 2014
Very famous death scene, very obscure movie. Probably why it's 0% guessed.
Level 65
Sep 7, 2017
7/14, although I should have known in a quiz about absurd deaths to guess a Final Destination movie
Level 12
Sep 8, 2017
Tell me, where is Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
Level 81
Oct 15, 2018
Which one? Laughing yourself to death? Dissolved by turpentine mixture? Crushed by a cartoon piano? or slowly flattened by a steam roller, shaking that off, and then be dissolved by said mixture?
Level 89
Dec 26, 2018
All good. It was my initial guess for the wardrobe question even though I didn't think it was quite right.
Level 71
May 13, 2020
Anakin's her husband but yeah
Level 71
May 13, 2020
Never saw My Name is Khan but that's just sad
Level 84
Jul 19, 2020
If anyone is a fan of absurd deaths they should check out the British TV police drama midsomer murders its almost black comedy sometimes . jump the shark moment was woman getting killed by a giant wheel of cheese.
Level 81
Jul 19, 2020
is it supposed to be a comedy?
Level 41
May 6, 2022
There was also another absurd-ish death in Cabin in the Woods were a guy get’s stabbed by a Unicorn horn. Though i can see why the Mer-Man death got picked for this list instead.
Level 81
May 6, 2022
yeah. good one.