
Movies that have won the most Oscars

There's a quiz for most Oscar-nominated films, but not for those that won the most. Easy quiz to make so why not...
extra time added upon user request
Quiz by kalbahamut
Last updated: December 10, 2018
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First submittedFebruary 9, 2013
Times taken2,752
Average score36.0%
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1997 film with 11 wins and 14 noms. Producer/director declared king of the world.
1959 film with 11 wins and 12 noms. No charioteers were injured in the making.
2003 film that won all 11 statues it was nominated for, including one to rule them all.
The Return of the King
1961 film, the only to jet to 10 wins and 11 nominations.
West Side Story
boring 1996 film with 9 wins and 12 noms that Elaine Benes suffered through twice.
The English Patient
1987 film with 9 wins and noms, including best City Chicken.
The Last Emperor
1958 film with 9 wins. Follow-up to My Fair Lady.
1939 film with 8 wins and 13 noms but frankly, I don't give a damn.
Gone With the Wind
1953 film with 8 wins; 13 noms whose title inspired the running length of #5 above.
From Here to Eternity
1964 film with 8 wins and 12 noms that was made quite presentable.
My Fair Lady
1954 film with 8 wins and 12 noms and a young Marlon Brando.
On the Waterfront
1984 film with 8 wins and 11 noms about somebody with a famous middle name.
1982 film with 8 wins and 11 noms. Weird Al Yankovic was in the sequel.
2008 film with 8 wins and 10 noms but no Regis Philbin.
Slumdog Millionaire
1972 film with 8 wins and 10 noms starring Liza Minnelli
1998 film with 7 wins and 13 noms starring Gwyneth Paltrow's junior jubblies.
Shakespeare in Love
1993 film with 7 wins and 12 noms that is inappropriate to make out during.
Schindler's List
1990 film with 7 wins and 12 noms that was a total rip-off of Avatar.
Dances with Wolves
1985 film with 7 wins and 11 noms about where humans are often going.
Out of Africa
1973 film with 7 wins and 10 noms must have made its competition feel this.
The Sting
1970 film with 7 wins and 10 noms. Not about comedian Oswalt. Different guy.
1962 film with 7 wins; 10 noms. Heroic white man helps backward indigenous folk.
Lawrence of Arabia
1944 film with 7 wins and 10 noms starring Bing Crosby.
Going My Way
1957 film with 7 wins and 8 noms proves burning bridges is unfairly maligned.
Bridge on the River Kwai
1946 film with 7 wins and 8 noms that I've never heard of before.
Best Years of Our Lives
Level 81
Feb 9, 2013
I realize the clue for #22 could describe a ton of different movies, including one other also on this list, but that was part of the joke.
Level 65
Apr 18, 2013
More time would be helpful
Level 81
Apr 18, 2013
Thanks for taking the quiz. :) If anyone else requests it I'll add another 30 seconds or so.
Level 37
Aug 1, 2014
I needed more time too. Lots of reading.
Level 90
Oct 25, 2022
Meh. I just take speed quizzes like this untimed. It might skew the statistics slightly, but it skews them worse when you can't come close to finishing.
Level 81
Oct 25, 2022
Should be easy to finish for someone with such an extensive knowledge of popular films like yourself... already upped the time limit years ago.
Level 40
Oct 29, 2013
Yeah im going to have to request that as well.
Level 81
Oct 29, 2013
As you wish.
Level 86
Feb 16, 2014
If you are serious about not knowing "Best Years of Our Lives", you should check it out.
Level 81
Feb 17, 2014
I've read about it since making this quiz but still have never seen it.
Level 68
Mar 6, 2014
What he said about Best Years of Our Lives…outstanding film.
Level 76
Jun 10, 2014
Great clues even if I didn't really get many of them beforehand.
Level 35
Jul 16, 2014
I got zero. In my defense I hadn't been born yet when these movies came out and I've only seen one. I know, I know, I'll get right on watching them.
Level 81
Jul 16, 2014
You were born after 2008? Then I'm impressed you even got one.
Level 35
Jul 16, 2014
Haha whoops, I didn't see Slumdog Millionaire on there. Haven't seen it either.
Level 92
Jun 15, 2018
Junior jubblies? Surely there's something more noteworthy to say about that movie than whose breasts were exposed in it.
Level 81
Jun 15, 2018
Is there?
Level 81
Jun 16, 2018
A little more seriously, there was a meme going around for a while that in order to get an Oscar for best actress you had to get naked. Anne Hathaway joked about this when she hosted the Oscars the year after she got very naked repeatedly in the (horrible) Love and Other Drugs, feigning (?) anger that her on-screen nudity didn't garner her a statue. This was a pretty popular and evidently well-supported meme around the 1990s, when in 2003 Charlize Theron won the Oscar for a role she was nude in, and similarly Halle Berry won the Oscar in 2001 for a role she was nude in, and same goes for Hillary Swank in 1999, Gwyneth Paltrow in 1998, Helen Hunt in 1997, Jessica Lange in 1994, and Holly Hunter in 1993. Though Paltrow had in fact been naked more than once on screen before Shakespeare, it was in small and little-known roles. In '98 she was known for playing innocent in Emma, Seven, Sliding Doors and Great Expectations. And dating Brad Pitt. Some people made a big deal about it.
Level 55
Feb 27, 2021
How is "Gigi" a follow up to "My Fair Lady"? Gigi was released in 1958 and My Fair Lady was released in 1964.
Level 81
Feb 27, 2021
Music & lyrics team Alan Jay Lerner and Frederick Lowe collaborated on the 1956 Broadway musical My Fair Lady, which was a smash hit. The first thing they worked on together after that was the musical Gigi, and it was billed as such. Later, there was a film adaptation of My Fair Lady.
Level 27
May 23, 2022
UHF reference spotted!!
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