
X-Men Mutants

Try to name the mutants that appeared in the Fox X-Men movies from 2000–2020.
Only characters that were both named and given lines in the same film
Does not include MCU films or other non-Fox properties
Some minor characters are given
Quiz by kalbahamut
Last updated: September 5, 2020
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First submittedFebruary 11, 2014
Times taken40,756
Average score39.7%
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Telepathy; Mind control
Professor X
Healing factor; Bone claws
Optic blast
Mastery of magnetism
Weather control
Telekinesis; Telepathy
Agility; Large and dextrous feet
Kitty Pryde
Turns into "organic steel"
Steals others' powers
Plasmoid "fireworks"
Control of fire
Teleportation; Prehensile tail
Healing; Breaking the 4th wall
Plasma blast
Healing factor; Claws and fangs
Projecting tongue; Strong legs
Illusion generation
Jason Stryker
Feathered wings
Psychic blade
Unstoppable momentum
Absorbs and amplifies energy
Sebastian Shaw
Cannot be moved; Thick skin
Telepathy; Diamond skin
Emma Frost
Death precognition
Channels solar energy
Perhaps limitless
Creates explosions
Negasonic Teenage
Takes on many roles
Vanessa Carlysle
Can detect other mutants
Healing factor; Knife-like fingers
Lady Deathstrike
Mutation nullification
Can duplicate himself
James Madrox
Chris Bradley
John Wraith
Deadly aim; Agility
Agent Zero
Kayla Silverfox
Charges objects with
kinetic energy
Teleportation; Prehensile tail
Wings; Spits acid
Angel Salvadore
Adapts to survive
Sonic scream; Acute hearing
Toxin immunity/creation;
Heightened senses; Strength
Creates teleportation portals
Absorbs and rechannels energy
Feels no pain
Strength and durability
Angel Dust
Animal communication
Nina Górska
Healing factor;
Claws from hands and feet
Seismic powers
Manipulates electricity
Scary flame hands
Telekinesis; metal arm
Cultural appropriation
Black Tom
Bio-electromagnetic fields
Does everything you do better
Acidic vomit
Telepathy; Mind control
Manifests fear
Creates force fields
Dr. Cecilia Reyes
Interdimensional teleportation;
Wields Soulsword
Rocket-like propulsion
Level 81
Sep 5, 2020
Made what will be the final update for this quiz after seeing The New Mutants today, as going forward the X-Men will be part of the MCU, possibly excepting Deadpool, but if there are more Deadpool movies they will be Disney/Marvel Studios-produced films and so not included on this quiz.

RIP Fox X-verse. Some really great movies. Some real turds, too. But overall a good run of entertaining films with memorable characters that incalculably altered comic book movies and thus the entire modern cinematic landscape for decades, and likely decades to come.

Level 81
Oct 5, 2021
FYI: answers are ordered 1st by # of appearances and 2nd by order of appearance in the Fox X-verse.
Level ∞
Jun 16, 2016
I originally wrote this quiz, but kalbahamut offered to revamp and improve it so I moved it over to his account.
Level 81
Mar 5, 2017
New update for March 2017 and Logan:

Keeping the previous caveats saved me from having to include a bunch of very minor mutant kid characters on this. But I decided to grey out a few other minor characters that slipped past that filter with this and retroactively also with past films, including "Bobby" from Logan (very minor character, has one line, easy to confuse him with the other kids, and he has the same first name as Ice Man), Nina from Apocalypse (Magneto's kid. Not a major character), Angel Dust/Christine from Deadpool (more memorable character, but almost everyone gets her I think because there are already two other characters on the quiz named Angel), and Vanessa from Deadpool (it's hinted in the film that she is the mutant Copycat, but not confirmed, which is why I think most people missed her. I'll put her back on if she returns with powers in Deadpool 2).

Level 81
May 17, 2018
Update May 2018:

I've added all the new mutants from Deadpool 2 and updated the number of appearances of older mutants.

I left Vanessa as a filled-in answer because (spoiler alert?) she's still not identified as Copycat in this film.

I would have loved to have added Brad Pitt's portrayal of "Vanisher." But he never appeared on screen or said anything and was therefore disqualified.

Also... I assume the Yukio in Deadpool 2 is supposed to be based on the same comics character as the Yukio in The Wolverine. It's not really clear. They appear to have different powers; but that's not too strange as Deadpool and the other X-Men movies seem more to be in similar parallel universes than in the same universe. The comics character, different from the film character(s), was not a mutant and had no powers. Wikipedia identifies the character as being the same, so I counted them that way, as well.

Level 52
Jun 22, 2018
Just saw Deadpool 2 again today, specifically to see if I could see the Pitt cameo, and I did. It's blink and you'll miss it, but its him... with a beard... being electrocuted.

But you're right, he doesn't have any lines, so now that I think of it, my argument carries no weight... carry on.

Level 62
Oct 15, 2023
Vanisher was in the film though. He should at least be pre-filled in. It would have saved me time trying to figure out where he was or remember what his name was.
Level 81
Feb 11, 2024
Vanisher has no lines.
Level 81
Jun 6, 2019
Update June 2019:

Saw Dark Phoenix (3rd worst film in the series). New mutants include Dazzler, Match, and Selene. I'm sure Dazzler was not named on-screen, pretty sure Match had no lines (not even really sure who he was), and therefore both don't qualify for inclusion on the quiz. Selene I'm not sure about. I think Magneto might have yelled her name while she was being sucked out of a train but if so it was mostly inaudible, so I'm just going to give her as a freebie.

In other words, no changes worth submitting so I updated the numbers and saved it, but I'm going to hold off on resubmitting until New Mutants if that movie ever actually gets released. And then I think I will retire this quiz as the X-Men will be absorbed in to the MCU after that.

Level ∞
Jun 7, 2019
Thanks for keeping it all straight. I never could.
Level 48
Mar 11, 2024
u missed vanisher, dazzler, daniels, ink, etc

vanisher can turn invisible

dazzler alters light

daniels affects balance

ink’s tattoos give him powers

Level 81
Sep 5, 2020
Saw The New Mutants today. Only six characters in the entire film, excluding a few that are manifestations of the different characters' fears and a small handful of Native Americans on the reservation in the first scene, so pretty easy to keep track of. All added to the quiz for the final update.
Level 89
Sep 5, 2020
How was it?
Level 81
Sep 6, 2020
It wasn't bad. Wasn't great, either. But better than Dark Phoenix or Apocalypse. It's too bad they didn't get to do the reshoots that they wanted... might have been interesting as a true horror film. As is it only kind of flirts with the genre without really committing to it.

Very interesting feel to the movie, too. As almost all of it takes place in a single location with only six characters. A lot more intimate than most superhero movies.

Level 81
Jun 17, 2016
Thanks, QM. Happy to help. Though I will never forgive you for allowing me to rewatch X-Men Origins and Apocalypse. ::shudder::

This quiz is meant to be comprehensive, so please point out any errors. However I did not want to include a bunch of mutants nobody has heard of before, or anyone that it would be impossible to guess just from watching the films, so I made as a baseline for inclusion the criteria that the character had to have been in at least one film where they were *both* named on screen, and delivered at least a single line.

This eliminated many characters I would have preferred to keep on (Callisto, who is never named, Sunspot, who utters no lines, Riptide, who does neither, etc) but I think it's better.

Level 81
Jun 17, 2016
The only characters who fit this criteria but are still not on the quiz, I think are "Amy," the girl with different colored eyes from the beginning of First Class, whom I excluded because I assumed most people would not think of her as a "mutant" even though she is identified as one; Moira McTaggert, whose auburn hair leads Prof X to identify her as a mutant as well and whom I excluded for the same reason- mutants in this sense are only those who carry a manifest mutant "X gene"; Worm "Cunningham," because it's not clear if he is a mutant or not, in the films I think not; Senator Kelly, who began life as a human and was then artificially changed into a mutant so I decided he shouldn't count; and finally President John Kennedy, just because, that's silly. Also, we don't know what his mutant power was. Maybe seducing Marilyn Monroe? Obviously he's not bullet proof.
Level 81
Jun 17, 2016
Partial list of other mutants taken off the quiz for failure to meet this criteria: Artie Maddicks, "Jones" (the kid who turns on the TV by blinking at it), Siryn, Callisto, ArcLight, Quill/Kid Omega, "Flea," Spike, Glob Herman, Phat, "Lizard Man," Chamber, Riptide, Sunspot, Ink, Famine, Death, Pestilence, War...
Level 48
Mar 1, 2024
juggernaut is not a mutant tho. he gets his powers from the ruby of cyttorak. also shatterstar is an alien
Level 92
Jun 17, 2016
One note for you - take it for what it's worth. IMO, if the criteria for inclusion includes being named onscreen and uttering a line, then the number of appearances column should reflect the same criteria. The ones that jumped out as inconsistent with this were Apocalypse and Kitty Pryde (although there are surely more). Apocalypse didn't even appear onscreen in the post-credits scene of DOFP, let alone utter a line. And Kitty wasn't named during X-Men or X2 (when she was played by a different actress). Also pretty sure the scream in X2 doesn't really count as a line of dialog.
Level 81
Jun 17, 2016
I'm perfectly aware of this... I sat and rewatched all of these movies last week so I've even got 3 pages of notes about which characters did what in every film.

To get on THIS quiz, they had to both speak a line AND be named in the SAME film. But... performing that feat once in a single film is enough to gain entry on the quiz, even if there are other films where they didn't do that.

On the other hand, to be counted as "appearing" in a film- that's different. They just had to appear. I didn't count photographs or names on a computer screen as an "appearance." I'm talking live actors on screen. I don't think this is particularly confusing or inconsistent. But I very much appreciate the feedback!

Level 81
Jun 17, 2016
I *could* change the column header from "#" to "# of appearances"... that would make things more clear. But it would also make the quiz very ugly.
Level 81
Mar 5, 2017
btw what do you mean he didn't appear onscreen in the post credits scene? He looked pretty apparent to me.

side note concerning latest update: I'm counting post-credits scenes that are integrated into the film as part of the film. When the music for the scene starts playing before the credits have finished rolling to me that means you haven't finished watching the whole movie yet. But I'm not including pre-movie scenes tacked on as an afterthought and not even distributed in all the same places. So... Deadpool did not appear in Logan.

Level 92
May 17, 2018
Yeah, Apocalypse didn't have a line, but he did appear at the end of DOFP, just not the same form that he takes in the next film.
Level 62
Jun 18, 2016
Apocalypse wasn't that bad. Interesting that you mentioned that and not Last Stand.
Level 81
Jun 19, 2016
I actually thought Apocalypse was worse than Last Stand. And I'm not the only one. Current RottenTomatoes scores for each stand at 48% and 58%, respectively. Origins is the lowest at 38%, and Days of Future Past is the highest at 90%.
Level 81
Apr 2, 2017
btw, another quick note: John Wraith = Kestrel, Chris Bradley = Bolt, James Madrox = Multiple Man, Emma Frost = White Queen, Jean Grey = Marvel Girl. Whenever a character was referred to by their "mutant" name in the films, I used that name for the quiz. When their mutant names were never used on screen, I used their birth names. Only exceptions to this rule being Lady Deathstrike, who is only ever called Yuriko in X2 but I used her mutant name to avoid confusion with Yukio from The Wolverine, and Phoenix... because that's just confusing.

Both given and mutant names should be acceptable type-ins, and in most cases I accepted just first names because that's how most characters were referred to in the films. A few exceptions, including Sebastian Shaw (nobody ever called him simply Sebastian, mostly they called him "Shaw"), and James Madrox (again, nobody ever refers to him on screen simply as "James.") point being to make this possible to ace just by watching the movies.

Level 81
Sep 6, 2020
I followed this same rule for New Mutants. Rahne is never called Wolfsbane in the movie, so I just put her in here as Rahne. Sunspot was referred to by his mutant name in Days of Future Past, so I put him in as Sunspot. The other 3 new mutants all had lines that at least hinted at their mutant names:

"like a cannonball"

"it's magic!" ... "so am I"

and one of Mirage's aliases is just her last name

So I put them in as such.

Level 81
Sep 6, 2020
I also changed Jean Grey to Phoenix because she is repeatedly referred to as such in Dark Phoenix.
Level 81
Jun 17, 2016
It also should be noted that this is based entirely on the films. So if there is some contradiction with comics lore, this is not necessarily a mistake.
Level 81
Jun 18, 2016
Could Juggernaut be removed? In the comics, he is not a mutant. The idiots who made X-Men 3 made many mistakes with characters in that movie, and making Juggernaut a mutant was one of them.
Level 59
Jun 18, 2016
Totally agree, in the comics he isn't a mutant, but in the movie they made him a mutant, which was a major mistake those directors made, but I'm sure he won't get removed
Level 58
Jun 19, 2016
It's always funny when people refer to certain fiction as if it is historical fact. It's all fake folks. What was in the comics isn't any more true than what was in the movies.
Level 81
May 17, 2018
No. This is based on the movies, not the comics.

Personally I felt this was a good decision. In a movie about mutants with special powers, when introducing a new character with special powers, why make him anything other than a mutant? Saves you a lot of time with the explanation and getting your powers from some magic crystal is silly anyway. But that's my personal opinion and it's irrelevant to the quiz, because the quiz is based on the movies.

Yukio is also not a mutant in the comics. And Anya Eisenhardt, the most likely inspiration for Nina Gorska, similarly displayed no mutant powers in the comics. Juggernaut is not the only departure from the source material.

Level 66
Oct 1, 2018
To say nothing of how the movies have always played fast and loose with who joined the team at what time, and so on.
Level 81
Jun 7, 2022
I'm sure if Juggernaut ever shows up in the MCU he will be magical and not a mutant, as in the comics, as they've got lots of magical things in the MCU already so it would fit in that universe. It would have felt out of place in the FoX-verse
Level 7
Jun 23, 2016
When was deadpool a xmen? Also chimichangas
Level 81
Jun 24, 2016
Never. But the Deadpool and X-Men Origins: Wolverine films both take place in the Fox X-Men universe. Also, quesadillas.
Level 81
Jun 24, 2016
I struggled for a while with an appropriately meta mutant power to put in for Deadpool... before settling on breaking the PG-13 barrier I also thought of putting "potty mouth," "breaking the 3rd wall," "surviving Gavin Hood," and a few other things.
Level 57
Jun 26, 2016
Though it wasn't shown (yet) in the movie, Deadpool does get the ability to teleport.

PS: it's the 4th wall.

Level 81
May 17, 2018
yes, of course. 4th wall. My mistake. With the release of Deadpool 2 and the fact that there are other mutant movies with R ratings out there now, I decided to change the clue to this.

Also, he had that power to teleport in the Wolverine movie. Plus... Cyclops' optic blast... and katanas that came out of his forearms... and... at the beginning not sure what was going on there... superhuman sword skills? Chicks love guys with skills.

Level 57
Jun 26, 2016
10/10 for using Francis instead of Ajax.
Level 63
Jan 12, 2017
Is Deadpool really a mutant though? He wasn't born with any powers or developed them naturally
Level 81
Jan 13, 2017
He's a mutant. Whether his mutation was induced or in-born and later enhanced and amplified, his still mutated. There are conflicting back stories even in these films.
Level 81
Jan 25, 2017
Are you drawing a parallel with Senator Kelly and the rationale I gave for excluding him from the quiz? If so, decent point.

However, it's really confusing in the films how to categorize Deadpool. First of all, he has two completely contradictory backstories. In X-Men Origins: Wolverine, it seems like he is a mutant at first (with the power to... I don't know... be really really good at swinging swords? They didn't actually say), who is later enhanced by adding additional mutant powers. But he was a mutant all along anyway.

In the film Deadpool... they are ambiguous about what is going on in the Weapon X program where they take Wade. They inject him with something. Is that something supposed to alter his DNA? Or just serve as a catalyst to help his latent mutant powers manifest under stress? If the latter, he was already a mutant they just forced his powers to reveal themselves. But it's very unclear.

Level 57
Jun 10, 2018
In the first Deadpool I believe they were pretty clear that they were putting him under extreme stress to force his mutant powers to the surface. So, he already has the mutant powers, he's just never had the level of stress needed to activate them. Given the amount of stress it takes before they finally do, it makes sense they would appear naturally.
Level 81
Jun 2, 2019
yeah, but... do they do that to everyone in the program just assuming that some of them will mutate? What about the non-mutants? Do they just let them get tortured to death? What did they inject Wade with before they started trying to induce the mutation? They don't actually say but I think it could reasonably be understood that they were both giving him the mutant gene and then forcing the gene the manifest. They don't actually explain it, though, so it's left a mystery what precisely is going on. I know I'm contradicting my comment immediately below this one but the point is from watching the movies you really don't know, and the two different backstories contradict each other.
Level 46
Jun 2, 2018
No, Deadpool is a mutate, he wasn't born a mutant, he was made into one.
Level 81
Jun 2, 2018
Then why is he with Stryker's black ops team at the beginning of X-Men Origins: Wolverine? And in the Deadpool movie why does Francis talk about any latent mutations revealing themselves? In both cases they make it seem like he already had the mutant X gene inside him, but something was done to trigger it or enhance it in some way.
Level 53
Apr 25, 2021
The person referred to as Wade Wilson in Wolverine: Origins is not Deadpool.
Level 81
Apr 25, 2021
Level 53
Apr 25, 2021
Deadpool is not a mutant, he is a mutate, his mutant powers are derived from scientific intervention and not from birth.
Level 81
Apr 25, 2021
So what you're saying is that he mutated into a mutant and developed mutant powers but is not a mutant? Let's not make this even more nonsensical than it already is.
Level 9
Mar 6, 2017
what about sunspot? #MYFAVMUTANT
Level 81
May 17, 2018
He was in Days of Future Past but he never said a single word unless you count grunting and screaming... and therefore doesn't meet the criteria I made for inclusion on the quiz. I would have preferred to include him but if I had then I couldn't come up with any objective way to exclude a few dozen other mutants I preferred to keep off.

I think he is a character in the New Mutants movie scheduled for release in August 2019, though. If they give him any lines in that one I'll add him to the quiz.

Level 81
Sep 6, 2020
Added to the quiz now.
Level 9
Apr 24, 2017
what about riptide
Level 81
May 17, 2018
He was neither named on-screen nor given any lines. He fails to meet the criteria for inclusion twice.
Level 96
May 9, 2017
Aren't Juggernaut's powers non-mutant?
Level 81
May 10, 2017
In the comics, yes. This quiz is based on the films.
Level 11
Jan 21, 2018

Wolverine/Logan has adamanitam claws not bone.

Thanks for the quiz, its great.

Level 81
Jan 22, 2018
Bone claws are part of his mutation. Adamantium was bonded to his skeleton as part of the Weapon X program. It has also been removed from his body (and added back in) at various times in various timelines. He always has bone claws. Sometimes his bone claws are coated in adamantium.
Level 81
Jan 29, 2018
That said, this is ret-conning and if you hadn't read any comics since 1990 I wouldn't fault you for not knowing. Originally Wolverine always had adamantium claws and everyone just assumed (as it was probably intended) that that claws had been inserted into his body by the Weapon X program. Later on during the Fatal Attractions storyline Magneto ripped the metal out of Logan's body, very nearly killing him in the process. After he had recovered there was a scene where he popped his bone claws for the first time and everyone was shocked that he still had claws at all, including Wolverine who, due to his amnesia, hadn't remembered. But once this happened then it was established canon that the claws were part of his mutation.
Level 81
Jan 29, 2018
...aaaand, since this quiz is based on the movies not the comics, all of that is irrelevant. You can clearly see Wolverine's bone claws in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, The Wolverine, and X-Men: Days of Future Past.
Level 87
May 28, 2018
Woof. Did not do as well on this as I expected. Now I'm wondering which hurt me more: movies I haven't seen (Origins, The Wolverine, Deadpool 2--though in the case of DP2, that's "haven't seen YET") or movies I try not to remember (Last Stand, Apocalypse). Not being familiar with the comics doesn't do me any favors, either, despite this being based on the movies.
Level 81
May 28, 2018
The four least-guessed answers are from Deadpool 2. So... I think not having seen a movie probably hurts more than trying to forget it, based on the results. :)
Level 81
Jun 2, 2019
not true anymore as the bottom answer is now from X-Men Origins: Wolverine. And of the bottom four, half the answers are from that movie, plus one each from Logan and Deadpool 2.
Level 47
Jan 20, 2019
I forgot Juggernaut, ugh. So hard to remember stuff when you're on the clock.
Level 81
Jun 14, 2019
Holy s---balls, holy s---balls, holy s---balls, how could you forget the Juggernaut?
Level 77
Sep 6, 2020
Didn't get it, but that's a perfect hint for Black Tom
Level 81
Sep 6, 2020
well we didn't get to see his awesome shillelagh powers in Deadpool 2.
Level 61
Oct 6, 2020
I know Quicksilver was in Days of Future Past, Apocalypse, and Dark Phoenix, as well as a cameo in Deadpool 2, but what was the fifth film he was in?
Level 81
Oct 6, 2020
Also had a very brief cameo in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, played by a different actor, and with no lines.

Later on, I think Fox tried to say that it was a different character, since they cast a different actor to play the role in First Class, same as they did with Emma Frost who showed up in the same movie, but it was obviously meant to be him.

Level 59
Nov 30, 2020
I saw your question and quickly thought, "Age of Ultron", and then, "Oh, wait..."
Level 81
Jun 8, 2021
haha. yeah. But maybe WandaVision? It's confusing. And seems like it may get more confusing after No Way Home and Multiverse of Madness.
Level 81
Jul 11, 2021
No mutants in WandaVision, despite speculation that Wanda's dad (Magneto?) was going to show up. I had a personal theory that maybe at some point Wanda would alter reality to create mutants so that she wouldn't feel like such a freak. But that didn't happen, either.

More recently there was speculation that a character in the film Black Widow was going to be Ursa Major, a mutant, making him potentially the first mutant in the MCU (not counting Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver who may or may not be) - but that guy showed up and had his arm quickly broken arm wrestling Red Guardian, and didn't do anything else. Weird choice. Maybe he'll show up again later.

Kicking the can down the road further... there's speculation now that the concept of mutants will be introduced in The Eternals, as mutants could be their descendants. Or if not then possibly in the next Spider-Man or Dr. Strange movies they could be brought in from the Multiverse.

Level 81
Jul 11, 2021
Probably gonna be speculation about mutants showing up in every movie in the MCU from now until they finally do. There were also rumors that Omega Red was going to be in either Black Widow or The Falcon & The Winter Soldier series, but he wasn't.
Level 81
Nov 5, 2021
^ that Eternals speculation didn't pan out, either. Ursa Major, or Wanda and her brother, I guess are the first mutants on-screen in the MCU, but they still have never once referred to any of them by that label. It was implied in WandaVision that she may have already had some kind of powers even before HYDRA started experimenting on her, amplifying them.
Level 81
Mar 2, 2022
I'm pretty sure some of these characters--although having lines--are not actually named in the movie (save the credits).
Level 81
Mar 2, 2022
I'm positive that every single one of them are named on screen in at least one of their appearances. I re-watched all of the movies before making this quiz and took notes just to make sure. Any specific ones that you don't recall? I might even be able to find the exact line of dialogue...
Level 81
Mar 2, 2022
and bear in mind, to be "named"... I just mean that they were referred to by any proper name or alias that they have. For example, Lady Deathstrike is referred to by her real first name Yuriko, but never by her mutant name Lady Deathstrike. That satisfied the criteria. Inversely, Blink is referred to as "Blink," on screen, never by her given name Clarice Ferguson, but that also counts. And either name is accepted as type-ins.
Level 82
Sep 16, 2023
it took me way too long to think of Sir Patrick's X Man name instead of Picard. I've been watching too much Star Trek...
Level 84
Nov 7, 2023
No such thing as too much Star Trek!
Level 48
Mar 11, 2024
i agree
Level 20
Mar 26, 2024
Does x24 from logan count or not
Level 81
Jul 31, 2024
Logged back in today to respond to this. No. He has no lines.
Level 20
Mar 26, 2024
or is he just a copy of wolverine
Level 20
Mar 26, 2024
or is he just a copy of wolverine
Level 55
Jul 8, 2024
What about peter, the normal guy Deadpool recruits for his x force in Deadpool 2. i know he is not a mutant, but still.
Level 81
Jul 31, 2024
Not a mutant.

If I were to update this for Deadpool & Wolverine (I'm not going to; I'm not updating any quizzes anymore and also had already decided this was going to be a time capsule for the dead Fox X-verse and not include MCU films) it would be a pretty easy update.

The only new addition would be Cassandra Nova. Everyone else was either a callback to some previously used character, or variants of Deadpool & Wolverine who weren't named on screen (except for "Nicepool," I guess, who doesn't appear to have mutant powers). Vanessa, once again, was not revealed as the mutant Copycat so her name would remain greyed out. Callisto shows up again, but fails to be named again, so still wouldn't make the cut.

These characters would have their total appearance count +1:

Deadpool, Wolverine, Sabretooth, Pyro, Lady Deathstrike, Juggernaut, Gambit, Psylocke, X-23, Toad, Azazel

I think that's everybody (Blade, Elektra, Human Torch, The Russian aren't mutants)