Wow I literally finished with 0 seconds remaining! I totally thought I didn't get the last one in time, but then the confetti came down! I love this series, they should all be featured (plus an Americas one).
I'm colorblind. The blue of the water and the blue of the highlighted country are basically identical, and I found identifying what country was even highlighted to be a massive challenge. For about half the countries, after the change, I looked for a few seconds, couldn't find anything, and tabbed away to the next answer. I wonder if a red would help?
But on my computer with a keyboard they are fairly easy.
You're on your own with the other two.
Even though I had three remaining but I am not a quick typer.
I'd also highly recommend JetPunk Premium, which costs $40 for a 3 year subscription.
I calculate that for the average level 60 player this equals less than 10 cents per HOUR spent on JetPunk.