.. and in the song; are Borneo, Sumatra, New Guinea, Caribbean, Cayman, Maore, French Guiana, Greenland, Botswana, Czechoslovakia, Korea, Asia, Yugoslavia, Abu Dhabi, Algiers, Congo, Crete, Palestine, Hong Kong, Zaire, Puerto Rico, Bermuda, Tobago, San Juan, Guam, Scotland, England, Burma, Kampuchea, Asia, Tibet, the Philippine Islands, Swaziland, the Spanish Sahara, Dahomey, and Transylvania countries??????????????????????????????????????????????
This need to be featured. It was this song that got me in to naming the countries - and certain lines still pop up when doing the 196 quiz! One small change could you make Philippine (singular) work instead of plural, as that's how Yakko says it - the Philippines islands, Taiwan.
Nice quiz, nominated! I've listened to the song many times, but don't know it completely by heart. I only got the chance to get 99, when I think I could have done much better if I had more time to think it out and sing it over in my head.
Maybe add another minute or 2 before it gets featured?
I mean, yeah? Why not? It's a memory quiz about how well you know this particular song, and it's meant to be difficult. Lots of people have listened to the song more recently than that, and no one is stopping you from going over to Youtube and watching the song again to refresh yourself before taking the quiz.
In the 90s there was an educational/comedy show for kids called Animaniacs. There's a portion called "yakko's world" which is this song and commonly used to teach American children geography. Obviously, disclaimers are given as to the accuracy of the geography, but the song does give most the countries in the world. And it's very catchy which is good for kids.
Since Asia doesn't light up when he sings that, like every other place mentioned in the song, I assumed it was part of the phrase "Bangladesh, Asia," as in "Bangladesh, which is in Asia," rather than as its own place. I figure it was added in just to make it rhyme with "Malaysia."
Transylvania has never been a country
BOTSWANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAalso the philippines is a country
Asia doesn't light Borneo Sumatra and New Guinea up.
The Spanish Sahara is a place like Yugoslavia is/was.
Also for the two dashes, you could also grey it out.
Also, it's "you're"*. "Your" is possessive, "you're" is a contraction.
Maybe add another minute or 2 before it gets featured?
Why did it get so many nominations?
What's the cultural back story?
I've never heard of it. Is it some sort of cultural thing in the US, or what?
Good quiz, finished with over 5 min left
Haiti, Jamaica, Peru
Republic Dominican, Cuba, Caribbean
Greenland, El Salvador too
Puerto Rico, Colombia, Venezuela, Honduras, Guyana, and still
Guatemala, Bolivia, then Argentina
And Ecuador, Chile, Brazil
Costa Rica, Belize, Nicaragua
Bermuda, Bahamas, Tobago, San Juan
Paraguay, Uruguay, Surinam
And French Guiana, Barbados, and Guam
Norway, and Sweden, and Iceland, and Finland
And Germany, now in one piece
Switzerland, Austria, Czechoslovakia
Italy, Turkey, and Greece
Poland, Romania, Scotland, Albania
Ireland, Russia, Oman
Bulgaria, Saudi Arabia, Hungary
Cyprus, Iraq, and Iran
There's Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan
Both Yemen's, Kuwait, and Bahrain
The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, and Portugal
France, England, Denmark, and Spain
India, Pakistan, Burma, Afghanistan
Thailand, Nepal, and Bhutan
Kampuchea, Malaysia, then Bangladesh, Asia
And China, Korea, Japan
Mongolia, Laos, and Tibet, Indonesia
The Philippine Islands, Taiwan
Sri Lanka, New
Then Borneo, and Vietnam
Tunisia, Morocco, Uganda, Angola
Zimbabwe, Djibouti, Botswana
Mozambique, Zambia, Swaziland, Gambia
Guinea, Algeria, Ghana
Burundi, Lesotho, and Malawi, Togo
The Spanish Sahara is gone
Niger, Nigeria, Chad, and Liberia
Egypt, Benin, and Gabon
Tanzania, Somalia, Kenya, and Mali
Sierra Leone, and Algiers
Dahomey, Namibia, Senegal, Libya
Cameroon, Congo, Zaire
Ethiopia, Guinea-Bissau, Madagascar
Rwanda, Mahore, and Cayman
Hong Kong, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Yugoslavia
Crete, Mauritania, then Transylvania
Monaco, Liechtenstein, Malta, and Palestine
Fiji, Australia, Sudan
Also, Finally hit level 53!!!