Lyrics | % Correct |
Just before you hit the {floor} | 93%
Just before you hit the {floor} | 93%
Just before you hit the {floor} | 93%
Making your {heart} stop | 87%
Making your {heart} stop | 87%
Making your {heart} stop | 87%
Making your {heart} stop | 87%
Making your {heart} stop | 87%
Making your {heart} stop | 87%
You think you've {won} | 87%
You think you've {won} | 87%
You think you've {won} | 87%
And then it's all {gone} | 80%
And then it's all {gone} (x4) | 80%
And then it's all {gone} (x4) | 80%
Now it's all {gone} | 80%
Now it's all {gone} | 80%
One {minute} you're on {top} | 80%
One {minute} you're on {top} | 80%
One {minute} you're on {top} | 80%
One {minute} you're on {top} | 80%
One {minute} you're on {top} | 80%
One {minute} you're on {top} | 80%
(The next you're not, watch it {drop}) | 80%
(The next you're not, watch it {drop}) | 80%
(The next you're not, watch it {drop}) | 80%
So many people like me put so much {trust} in all your {lies} | 73%
{Afraid} to say what was on my {mind}, afraid to say what I need to {say} | 67%
So many people like me walk on {eggshells} all day long | 67%
There are just too many {times} that {people} have tried to look {inside} of me | 67%
All I know is that all I want is to {feel} like I'm not {stepped} on | 60%
But I've had too many {standoffs} with you | 60%
But what goes up has got to {fall} | 60%
'Cause I've had too many {standoffs} with you | 60%
I know I'll never {trust} a single thing you {say} | 60%
It's about as much as I can {stand} | 60%
It's about as much as I can {stand} | 60%
So I'm {waiting} until the {upper-hand} is mine | 60%
So I'm {waiting} until the {upper-hand} is mine | 60%
There are so many things you say that make me feel you {cross} the {line} | 60%
Too many {things} that you said about me when I'm not {around} | 60%
Too many times that I've held on when I {needed} to {push} away | 60%
What goes up will surely {fall} and I'm {counting} down the {time} | 60%
{Wondering} what I think of you and I {protect} you out of {courtesy} | 60%
You think having the {upper-hand} means you gotta keep {putting} me down | 60%
And all the lies have got you {floating} up above us all | 53%
So {concerned} with what you think to just say what we feel {inside} | 53%
(The next you're not, {missed} your {shot}) | 53%
(The next you're not, {missed} your {shot}) | 53%
(The next you're not, {missed} your {shot}) | 53%
You knew your {lies} would {divide} us but you {lied} anyway | 53%
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