
Pleistocene Quiz

A quiz about the Pleistocene, a geological age spanning from 2.5 million years ago to 10,000 years ago.
Quiz by sturgeonzilla
Last updated: April 18, 2022
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First submittedApril 18, 2022
Times taken20
Average score36.4%
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First subdivision of the Pleistocene
Intelligent, (ancestrally) dark-skinned, hairless primate that first evolved in Africa
Inlet of the North Atlantic that covered some of Eastern Canada
Champlain Sea
Huge glacier that smothered much of upper North America
Laurentide Ice Sheet
Second subdivision of the Pleistocene
Hairy relative of Asian elephants with curled tusks; among the last of the Pleistocene megafauna
Woolly mammoth
Rapid cooling event that occurred around 12,900 years ago; named after an alpine-tundra wildflower
Younger Dryas
Land bridge that connected Alaska and Russia
Faunal interchange that coincided with the beginning of the Pleistocene; South American fauna migrated into North America, and vice versa
Great American Interchange
Among the oldest known human remains; discovered in southern Ethiopia
Omo remains
Large ice sheets that fluctuated heavily during the Pleistocene
Very large North/South American birds of prey, who survived the Quaternary extinction only by feeding off of deceased marine animals
Close relatives of humans who inhabited Eurasia; had broader faces and a more robust build for coping with colder temperatures
Last "official'' subdivision of the Pleistocene
Large African mammals that somehow rafted to Madagascar and "shrank''
Malagasy hippopotamus
Unique, mid-ranged dart-propelling weapon; first used during the late Pleistocene
Cave in France; contains over 600 paintings which depict various Pleistocene fauna such as mammoths, aurochs and lions
Catastrophic supervolcano eruption which occurred in Sumatra, Indonesia during the late Pleistocene
Toba eruption
Expanse of grassland that covered nearly all of northern Eurasia; named for its most famous woolly inhabitant
Mammoth Steppe
Currently-dormant supervolcano which erupted multiple times during the Pleistocene
Yellowstone Caldera
Group of big cats with enlarged upper canines; includes famous examples like Smilodon and Homotherium
Machairodonts, or saber-toothed cats
Tallest land mammal ever; lived alongside Asian elephants in India, China, etc.; today's African forest elephant is related to it
Asian straight-tusked elephant
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