Modern day countries of French colonial empire on a Map
Name the modern-day-countries that were part or had parts that were in the Second French colonial empire, between 1919 and 1945. Including one territory ceded to another country in July 1939.
Not including concessions in Shanghai, Tianjing, Hankou and Shamian Island
Some can be tricky to get, zoom on the map!
Don't forget that many colonies became entirely part of France nowadays
What about Vanuatu. I can understand that Vanuatu was ruled jointly between the British and French so I can let that slide though. Also, Syria spread into Turkey, Djibouti spread into Yemen, and Guinea spread into Guinea-Bissau. That's all I saw though.
Added the province of Hatay (Turkey). For Yemen, France never claimed sovereignty on its territory. Only a French trading company bought some in the late 1800s, but the French government never recognized it. For Guinea-Bissau, the border with French Western Africa was fixed in 1885, and the current territory of Guinea-Bissau has never been French during the inter-war period.
Totally forgot Madagascar. Really good quiz! More challenging than the other ones that only highlight the empire, which is too easy. Just needs to fix that map width, since it crosses with ads.
Agreed on this. I tried, in vain, a couple of different standard JetPunk ways of typing in Rep Congo before concluding it apparently wasn't an accepted answer.