
Movies by Letter - N

Guess these film-related answers that start with the letter N.
Quiz by MovieQuizGuy
Last updated: December 29, 2024
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First submittedJanuary 13, 2019
Times taken63
Average score56.0%
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Film in which two holidays meet by mistake
The Nightmare Before Christmas
The Canadian government's filmmaking organization, founded in 1939
The National Film Board of Canada
Country with the second-most prolific film industry in the world
Singer-songwriter of Toy Story's "You Got a Friend in Me"
Randy Newman
Don Bluth's first feature, in 1982: The Secret of _____
Early journalism format before television, as in The March of Time
Cary Grant hides in the corn then climbs around a giant nose
North by Northwest
Rob Roy, Oskar Schindler, Qui-Gon Jin, and Brian Mills
Liam Neeson
Film that asks, what if everything at the AMNH came alive at night?
Night at the Museum
Popular 1905 theaters with a five-cent entry fee
Coen brothers film set in 1980s west Texas--not a comedy
No Country for Old Men
Historical figure played by Kevin Spacey, Frank Langella, John Cusack, and Anthony Hopkins
Richard Nixon
F. W. Murnau's 1922 vampire, played by Max Schreck, and revived in 2024
Leonard Nimoy
Magazine that gave us Animal House and a series of Griswald family vacations
National Lampoon
Star of Vertigo, The Man with the Golden Arm, Picnic, and Kiss Me, Stupid
Kim Novak
A Marx Brothers film or a Queen album
A Night at the Opera
Brand of portable audio recorders introduced in the 1950s that made location shooting much easier
1999 romantic comedy with Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts
Notting Hill
The BBC's nature documentary department
Natural History Unit
To get there, take "the second star to the right and straight on 'til morning."
Robert Flaherty's first feature, sometimes considered the first documentary
Nanook of the North
1955 Charles Laughton thriller in which Robert Mitchum hunts down two children
Night of the Hunter
Sean Connery's final Bond film, a remake of Thunderball, from 1983
Never Say Never Again
The One in The Matrix
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