Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Second largest city in Victoria | Geelong | 100%
Common name for any eucalyptus, corymbia or angophore | Gum tree | 68%
Cheeky pink and grey cockatoo; also a slang term for a silly person | Galah | 50%
Large carnivorous lizard | Goanna | 45%
Adelaide beachside suburb, and palindrome | Glenelg | 41%
Port city in Western Australia | Geraldton | 36%
Commercial and administrative centre of the NSW Central Coast region | Gosford | 36%
Mustelus antarcticus, common in southern Australian waters, and, under the name 'flake', the most popular seafood in fish and chip shops | Gummy shark | 32%
Queensland city that celebrates its founding with the annual Gold Rush Festival | Gympie | 23%
The oldest town in South Australia | Gawler | 18%
Colonial name for Gariwerd | Grampians | 18%
Indigenous name for the Grampians | Gariwerd | 14%
Town in Queensland's Lockyer Valley | Gatton | 14%
Reptile that likes a warm, damp environment and can be found in homes and gardens | Green tree frog | 9%
River in northern NSW, and setting of a poem about a redback spider who camped there | Gwydir | 9%
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