Quizzes by Loic

A list of all the public JetPunk quizzes released by user Loic.
# of Quizzes 143
# Featured 2
# Subscribers 8
Times taken 28,925
Quizmaker Rank # 1,294
7,6702024-09-02 Größte Städte in Deutschlands Nachbarländern
5,2302024-08-29 Größte Städte an den 10 längsten deutschen Flüssen
1,5032022-02-26Smallest neighbour of every European country
1,4912023-10-27Top 20 größte deutschsprachige Youtuber
6342022-07-07Les plus grandes villes francophones en Europe
5472023-01-28Erreichbare Städte von Köln Hauptbahnhof
4552022-11-27Deutsche Universitäten mit den meisten Studenten
4062022-03-14TGV INOUI arrêts Luxembourg-Marseille
3542023-03-17TGV arrêts Bruxelles - Montpellier
3522022-11-12Every 500k city in Europe
3472022-10-193 plus grandes villes des pays voisins de la France
3402024-09-08Bekannteste Städte Deutschlands
3302022-07-08100 größte deutschsprachige Städte
3272023-01-21Plus grandes villes de France par département
3182023-08-02Reichste Deutsche Städte nach BIP pro Kopf
3162022-11-05Größte Städte nach Himmelsrichtung in Deutschland
2932022-10-03Nächstgelegene Hauptstadt zu den 20 größten Deutschen Städten
2262023-05-25Beste Universität in jedem Bundesland
2202022-10-03Metropolregionen in Deutschland
2162023-06-19Größte deutschsprachige Ballungszentren
2102022-09-04Richest european Metropolitan areas by GDP
2052022-10-05Größte Städte im Regierungsbezirk Köln
1862022-10-25Deutsche Grenzstädte
1812022-10-10RE 5 (RRX) Halte Koblenz - Wesel
1772023-12-26Langues les plus parlées au Luxembourg
1762023-01-28Erreichbare Städte von Bonn Hauptbahnhof
1742022-10-30Nächste Städte an Deutschland
1722023-12-26Die am häufigsten gesprochenen Sprachen in Luxemburg
1722022-10-04Größte Städte im Regierungsbezirk Düsseldorf
1542023-08-02Reichste Deutsche Städte nach BIP
1472022-10-05Größte Städte im Regierungsbezirk Kassel
1402023-01-27TGV arrêts Paris - Luxembourg
1372022-12-20Most famous person from every European country
1362022-12-29Bonn: Im Ausland geborene Bevölkerung
1312024-10-18Besten deutschsprachigen Universitäten
1242023-02-15Most expensive cities in Europe
1192022-07-07Biggest Urban Agglomerations in Germany
1102023-07-13Bahnhöfe in Bonn
1032023-01-12Major airports in Europe by destinations
992024-12-17Deutsche Städte mit U-Bahn Stationen
992023-06-04Les plus grandes villes par direction cardinale en France
982022-12-28Guess the European country by their 10th largest city (extreme)
972022-10-03Biggest cities in European landlocked countries
942022-10-03Städte im Einzugsgebiet der Mosel
942022-09-04Europe official languages by native speakers
932022-07-06100 Biggest German speaking Urban areas
912022-10-15Biggest Urban areas in the Benelux
902024-01-09Largest Cities in the EU that aren't Capitals
892023-07-15Best countries by quality of life
862022-10-06Größte Städte im Regierungsbezirk Arnsberg
852023-07-15Best cities by quality of life
842022-03-13RE 11 Halte Luxemburg - Koblenz
842022-07-22European cities of over a million inhabitants
822022-02-09Top 25 richest german cities
822024-11-30Deutschsprachige Städte mit den höchsten Gebäuden
792023-08-17Best Universities in the European Union
752023-02-05Countries with the highest percentage of millionaires
742024-01-09Largest German speaking cities outside of Germany
742022-05-08IC arrêts Luxembourg - Bruxelles
722024-02-01VRS Bonn: Linie 66
722025-01-10Every 100k City that speaks a Romance Language
702023-07-20Cities with skyscrapers in the EU
692023-07-17Biggest city on the largest European rivers
682022-07-07Biggest French speaking cities in Europe
672022-09-21Villes avec une langue romane de plus de 100k habitants
662022-07-20Biggest cities in Germanic Europe
662022-09-05European capital cities by population
632022-07-08Biggest Dutch speaking cities
592023-03-17Thalys stations Amsterdam - Paris
592023-07-13Bevölkerungsreichste Ortsteile von Bonn
592022-07-28Biggest cities in the smallest countries - Europe
592023-07-21Countries with more tourists than their population
542022-01-17Biggest cities in the Rhine River Basin
542023-01-29Villes accessibles depuis la Gare de Luxembourg
532023-12-26Most widely spoken languages of Luxembourg
532022-10-03Längste Flüsse Luxemburgs
512022-10-15Largest cities in the Benelux
502023-04-08Top 3 biggest cities by Germanic language
492022-11-04Top 15 largest cities in Luxembourg
482022-07-10Nearest 500k cities to Luxembourg
462022-09-09TOP 30 countries by Human Freedom
422023-04-02Every 3k+ Town in Luxembourg
412023-03-03Städte in denen Moselfränkisch gesprochen wird
412023-07-20Countries with skyscrapers in the EU
412023-01-22Closest non-bordering country in Europe
412022-09-09Largest city by Region in Western Europe
402023-03-17Thalys stations Dortmund - Paris
402022-05-08European countries by shortest border
392022-02-26Biggest neighbour of every European country
392023-04-13European countries by furthest point from the sea
382022-10-15Largest cities in the least populated countries - Europe
382022-10-23Top 20 countries by Human Development Index
372024-01-29Biggest cities in landlocked EU countries
372024-03-02Major Agglomerations of Europe
362023-02-23Countries on the 50th Parallel North
352022-09-21Luxembourg City: Tram stations
342024-12-22Städte mit den meisten luxemburgischen Studenten
342022-12-02Richest neighbour of every European country
322022-10-14Every European capital of Culture
312022-02-01Top 10 countries Quiz (hard)
312022-08-31Biggest cities in the Greater Region of Saarlorlux
302023-01-08Official cities of Luxembourg
302022-09-09Which countries have these license plate letters
292022-12-28European countries by longest river
282022-04-20Can you name the 30 closest cities to Luxembourg?
242022-03-13Autobahnausfahrten A1/A6 (Luxemburg)
232022-02-26European countries by Neighbouring population
232024-12-22Cities with the most luxembourgish students
222022-02-26Nearest foreign capital city to European countries
222022-02-25Ten Capital Cities Longitudinally and Latitudinally Closest to Me
222024-12-22Villes comptant le plus grand nombre d'étudiants luxembourgeois
212022-11-21Herrscher Luxemburgs seit 963
212022-10-13Luxembourgish speaking cities in the 19th century
192024-09-23Biggest cities of famous mediterranean subdivisions
182022-03-13Luxembourg: Every town in the Canton of Esch-sur-Alzette
182022-10-17Every train station in Luxembourg
182024-02-03Top 100 Baby names in Luxembourg (2020)
182022-01-09Quarters of Luxembourg City
182024-11-16When the capital isn't the star
172022-10-03Fleuves et rivières du Luxembourg
152024-11-03Die reichsten Regionen Luxemburgs
152022-11-08Biggest cities by cardinal direction in Belgium
142022-06-28Coat of arms of the Cantons of Luxembourg
132022-05-29Subdivision capitals closest to Luxembourg
122022-01-09Biggest Urban Areas in Luxembourg
112023-02-14Landmarks of Luxembourg
112022-07-15Biggest cities by river in Luxembourg
92022-01-09Luxembourg: Motorways
82022-03-26Bordering communes of Luxembourg city
82022-03-13Luxembourg: Every town in the Canton of Capellen
72022-03-13Luxembourg: Every town in the Canton of Luxembourg
62022-11-21Rulers of Luxembourg since 963
62022-07-08Biggest cities of Luxembourg at its greatest Extent
62024-11-03Les régions les plus riches du Luxembourg
52024-11-03Richest regions of Luxembourg by GDP per capita
52022-11-05Biggest towns by cardinal direction in Luxembourg
42022-09-21Three biggest cities by district of Luxembourg
42022-06-26Coat of arms of Cities in Luxembourg
32023-01-06Top 15 largest Municipalities in Luxembourg
32022-06-08Municipalities of Luxembourg on the Belgian border
32023-11-25Déi beléifsten Universitéitsstied vu Lëtzebuerger Studenten
22022-06-08Municipalities of Luxembourg on the French border
22022-06-08Municipalities of Luxembourg on the German border