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Johann Sebastian Bach or Georg Friedrich Händel
Bach was born on 31st of March in 1685 and Händel on 5th of March in 1685
Kirk Douglas or James Dean
Douglas was born on 9th of December in 1916 and Dean on 8th February in 1931
Napoleon Bonaparte or King Louis XVI
Napoleon was born on 15th of August in 1769 and Louis XVI on 23rd of August in 1754
Albert Einstein or Erwin Schrödinger
Einstein was born on 14th of March in 1879 and Schrödinger on 12th of August in 1887
Michelangelo Buonarroti or Leonardo da Vinci
Michelangelo was born on 6th of March in 1475 and da Vinci on 15th of April in 1452
Richard Nixon or Dwight D. Eisenhower
Nixon was born on 9th of January in 1913 and Eisenhower on 14th of October in 1890
Martin Luther or Johannes Gutenberg
Luther was born on 10th of November in 1483 and Gutenberg around 1400
Kobe Bryant or LeBron James
Bryant was born on 23rd of August in 1978 and James on 30th of December 1984
Christopher Columbus or Vasco da Gama
Columbus was born before November 1451 and Vasco da Gama around 1469
Mickey Mouse or Dagobert Duck
Mickey was created in 1928 and Dagobert in 1947
Homer or Euripides
Homer was born around the 8th century B.C. and Euripides in the late 5th century B.C.
Rosa Parks or Martin Luther King
Parks was born on 4th of February in 1913 and Luther King on 15th of January in 1929
Amelia Earhart or Wilbur Wright
Earhart was born on 24th of July in 1897 and Wright on 16th of April in 1867
Fidel Castro or Ernesto "Che" Guevara
Castro was born on 13th of August in 1926 and Guevara on 14th of June in 1928
William Shakespeare or Charles Dickens
Shakespeare was born in the 16th century and Dickens on 7th of February in 1812