
Embarrassing Chapters in Austrian History

How well do you know the embarrassing parts of Austrian history?
Your opinion on what is embarrassing and what isn't may differ from mine.
Inspired by Quizmaster's series Embarrassing Chapters in History.
Quiz by Nathaniel
Last updated: April 6, 2021
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First submittedMay 31, 2020
Times taken318
Average score43.8%
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This Austrian company is the largest producer of automatic weapons.
This dictator was born in Braunau am Inn, Upper Austria.
Adolf Hitler
Because of a happening in this city, Austria started WWI.
This pandemic killed one third of Vienna's population.
Black Death
It is generally regarded false, that she had said "Let them eat cake".
Marie Antoinette
The annexion of Austria goes by this name.
This post-war president was found guilty of war crimes.
Kurt Waldheim
In this city four Lords regents were defenestrated for forcing catholicism on the residents.
The above event led to this war.
Thirty Years' War
This country's national anthem was "stolen" from the Austrian Empire.*
Austria is one of the few European countries to have an altogether ban on this clothing.
He is one of Austria's most famous authors, was an active Nazi, first name: Heimito
Heimito von Doderer
This far-right Carinthian politician had connections with Gaddafi and died in a car crash.
Jörg Haider
These people were held in a "prison" in Drasenhofen, were they were beaten.
Austrian right-wing politicians show willingness to corruption on this island. (2019)
This Lower Austrian politician had been active in an antisemitic Burschenschaft.
Udo Landbauer
Level 75
Mar 18, 2021
* In my opinion this is not embarrassing nor is the word stolen the correct one here. I personally couldn't care less, but I believe there are Austrians who view this differently.
Level 71
Mar 17, 2021
Wär vielleicht einfacher wennst für statt "presidential candidate" "president" sagst für Waldheim
Level 75
Mar 18, 2021
Stimmt, er war ja Präsident, er wollte es nicht nur werden.
Level 71
Mar 18, 2021
Wohl oder übel ja
Level 62
Apr 6, 2021
Perhaps, the most embarrassing thing here is that the spelling of the word embarrassing in the title is incorrect. (jK no offense meant :D)
Level 75
Apr 6, 2021
XD wow, pretty embarrassing. Since I'm an Austrian, I should probably put myself in the quiz.
Level 67
Apr 15, 2021
Can you accept burqa?
Level 70
Apr 23, 2021
Wow, I'm surprised you could find 16 embarrassing chapters without even including Natascha Kampusch
Level 75
Apr 24, 2021
Aber das ist ja weder etwas das dem ganzen Volk widerfahren ist noch etwas was ein Politiker gemacht hat, also nicht wirklich etwas wofür sich ganz Österreich schämen müsste. Obwohl man sich natürlich generell nicht für Sachen schämen muss, die man nicht selbst gemacht hat. Das Ganze ist ein bisschen komisch.