For each boss enter the game.
Answers: LOZ (Legend of Zelda), AOL (Adventure of Link), ALTTP (A Link the the Past), LA (Link's Awakening), OOT (Ocarina of Time), MM (Majora's Mask), OOS (Oracle of Seasons), OOA (Oracle of Ages), FS (Four Swords), WW (Wind Waker), FSA (Four Swords Adventures), MC (Minish Cap), TP (Twilight Princess), PH (Phantom Hourglass), ST (Spirit Tracks), SS (Skyward Sword), ALBW (A Link Between Worlds), TH (Triforce Heroes), BOTW (Breath of the Wind)
Fantastic quiz! Despite playing more than half the series, I only got a little less than half. It doesn't help that lots of bosses don't have names in game, and that some just aren't memorable.