Stand Description | Answer | % Correct |
Stand implants bombs into physical objects. Activates when someone touches the object. | Killer Queen | 91%
Stand is operated by a dog and is capable of controlling sand + flying | The Fool | 87%
Stand creates "spirit pictures" and needs an expensive camera to do so. | Hermit Purple | 86%
Can erase the negative space between the user and their opponent with one swipe. | The Hand | 86%
Infiltrates the dreams of the victim and attempts to kill them while in the dream. | Death 13 | 78%
User is able to read someone's entire life and traits. User is also able to change/add to their life. | Heaven's Door | 77%
Most op stand. | Star Platinum | 77%
A parasite-like stand that enters the human body and magnifies the pain of its user into the host. | The Lovers | 63%
Clings onto the back of the user. The only way to get rid of it is to expose the stand to another person. It will then jump onto the new victim and kill the subsequent person in the process. | Cheap Trick | 62%
Stand utilizes fencing techniques. | Silver Chariot | 60%
Makes physical objects soft. | Spice Girl | 59%
Stand engulfs it's user's body and has the power to freeze everything it touches. | White Album | 51%
Places certain sound cues onto any object and activates them | Echoes Act 1 | 49%
Stationary stand that traps its victims within it's structure. One person must stay with it at all times and it reflects damage done to it. | Super Fly | 47%
User unleashes a deadly gas that infects everyone at the certain altitude. The higher altitude you climb to, the more immune you are to its effects. | Green Day | 46%
An alternate version of a stand. It's ability is to revert anything to absolute 0. | Gold Experience Requiem | 44%
Stationary stand that, if touched, the victim turns magnetic. | Bastet | 38%
Stand can pass through walls and enters the body through the wrist. The user can reel its victim in and attempts to sever vital organs. | Beach Boy | 38%
Stand is used for transportation. It does not attack. | Mr. President | 26%
An underwater humanoid stand with sharp scales. | Deep Blue Moon | 14%
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