Quiz | Points | Best | Rating | Takes |
50'>U.S. Presidents Quiz | 0 | - | 5.00 | 3,026,779 |
20'>World Leaders by Picture | 0 | - | 4.31 | 227,455 |
50'>U.S. Presidents by Picture | 0 | - | 4.79 | 383,776 |
50'>U.S. Vice Presidents | 0 | - | 4.37 | 108,897 |
50'>Shakespeare's Plays Quiz | 0 | - | 4.37 | 337,098 |
30'>Letters of the Greek Alphabet | 0 | - | 4.94 | 564,536 |
50'>Olympian Gods Quiz | 0 | - | 4.96 | 446,805 |
30'>NATO Military Alphabet | 0 | - | 4.98 | 473,204 |
20'>English Monarchs Quiz | 0 | - | 4.84 | 430,954 |
20'>Famous Battles Quiz | 0 | - | 4.13 | 46,151 |
20'>Name the War Quiz | 0 | - | 4.30 | 186,387 |
20'>Art Works Picture Quiz #1 | 0 | - | 4.45 | 94,821 |
20'>Art Works Picture Quiz #2 | 0 | - | 4.42 | 84,539 |
30'>Words for Leaders | 0 | - | 4.75 | 206,941 |
30'>Communist Countries in History | 0 | - | 4.42 | 424,527 |
30'>Famous Dictators Quiz #1 | 0 | - | 4.52 | 178,920 |
20'>Figures from Greek Mythology | 0 | - | 4.87 | 164,716 |
20'>Famous U.S. Generals | 0 | - | 4.16 | 36,639 |
20'>Roman Numeral Decoding Quiz | 0 | - | 4.88 | 386,490 |
100'>Commonwealth of Nations Countries | 0 | - | 4.94 | 217,377 |
20'>Famous Ancient Romans | 0 | - | 4.68 | 72,851 |
30'>U.S. Presidential Trivia #1 | 0 | - | 4.53 | 87,766 |
50'>Popular Royal Names | 0 | - | 4.20 | 113,392 |
100'>Prime Ministers of the UK | 0 | - | 4.94 | 367,132 |
30'>Canadian Prime Ministers Quiz | 0 | - | 4.48 | 42,335 |
50'>Biggest US Cities by Decade | 0 | - | 4.95 | 150,792 |
30'>Former Capitals Quiz | 0 | - | 4.79 | 57,287 |
30'>Ye Olde Professions | 0 | - | 4.63 | 131,602 |
30'>Countries by Military Spending | 0 | - | 4.92 | 154,112 |
30'>Name that Greek Letter | 0 | - | 4.92 | 286,844 |
30'>Recently Independent Countries Quiz | 0 | - | 4.98 | 140,651 |
30'>Historical Rulers #1 | 0 | - | 4.23 | 109,370 |
30'>Countries in World War II | 0 | - | 4.45 | 773,377 |
20'>Deadliest U.S. Wars | 0 | - | 4.75 | 153,339 |
30'>Countries in World War I | 0 | - | 4.91 | 203,240 |
10'>Vietnam War Countries | 0 | - | 4.76 | 84,340 |
30'>Countries with the Most Military Troops | 0 | - | 4.93 | 219,356 |
10'>Countries with Nuclear Weapons | 0 | - | 4.88 | 212,720 |
20'>Countries "Ruled" by King Charles III | 0 | - | 4.76 | 79,558 |
20'>Countries of the Soviet Union | 0 | - | 4.99 | 180,132 |
20'>Modern Countries Conquered by Alexander the Great | 0 | - | 4.90 | 98,326 |
30'>Countries with NO Military | 0 | - | 4.97 | 47,613 |
20'>The American Revolution | 0 | - | 4.51 | 50,720 |
20'>Holy Roman Empire Countries | 0 | - | 4.63 | 41,368 |
30'>Political Movements by Country | 0 | - | 4.43 | 66,810 |
10'>Wives of King Henry VIII | 0 | - | 4.53 | 44,117 |
100'>Time Magazine Person of the Year | 0 | - | 4.50 | 64,111 |
100'>Losing U.S. Presidential Candidates in History | 0 | - | 4.50 | 78,109 |
10'>Seven Hills of Rome | 0 | - | 4.67 | 8,358 |
20'>Biggest English Cities by Century | 0 | - | 4.93 | 96,357 |
30'>WWII Trivia #1 | 0 | - | 4.33 | 142,016 |
30'>Notable People of WWII | 0 | - | 4.46 | 78,008 |
30'>Top 30 Most Powerful Militaries | 0 | - | 4.50 | 158,104 |
20'>Roman to Greek God | 0 | - | 4.49 | 110,246 |
20'>Invasions | 0 | - | 4.52 | 87,449 |
20'>WWII Trivia #2 | 0 | - | 4.43 | 82,408 |
30'>World War I Quiz | 0 | - | 4.70 | 89,335 |
10'>Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms of England | 0 | - | 4.55 | 24,521 |
30'>Countries with the Most Tanks | 0 | - | 4.89 | 73,306 |
20'>Countries with Aircraft Carriers | 0 | - | 4.75 | 116,592 |
50'>First Names of U.S. Presidents | 0 | - | 4.84 | 330,876 |
10'>Warsaw Pact Countries | 0 | - | 4.88 | 78,782 |
30'>The Bill Clinton Presidency | 0 | - | 4.13 | 29,785 |
30'>The George H. W. Bush Presidency | 0 | - | 4.36 | 20,260 |
30'>The Ronald Reagan Presidency | 0 | - | 4.25 | 23,244 |
30'>The Richard Nixon Presidency | 0 | - | 4.00 | 20,496 |
20'>The Jimmy Carter Presidency | 0 | - | 4.34 | 17,757 |
30'>The Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidency | 0 | - | 4.41 | 22,113 |
20'>The American Civil War | 0 | - | 4.61 | 47,805 |
30'>Ancient Roman Trivia #1 | 0 | - | 4.75 | 70,147 |
30'>Political Figures by Last Name #1 | 0 | - | 4.48 | 58,183 |
20'>Ancient Greek Trivia | 0 | - | 4.49 | 62,202 |
20'>Top Arms Exporting Countries | 0 | - | 4.95 | 74,134 |
30'>Ancient Greek Words | 0 | - | 4.87 | 92,629 |
20'>Space Exploration Trivia | 0 | - | 4.31 | 32,873 |
20'>Most Populous Countries in 1950 | 0 | - | 4.44 | 69,306 |
30'>Kings of France Quiz | 0 | - | 4.13 | 29,371 |
30'>Important Cities in WWII | 0 | - | 4.40 | 80,533 |
30'>Ancient Roman Trivia #2 | 0 | - | 4.45 | 34,713 |
20'>Confederate States of the U.S. Civil War | 0 | - | 4.91 | 119,944 |
30'>Medieval English History | 0 | - | 4.48 | 40,005 |
20'>People Who Died in Battle | 0 | - | 4.30 | 21,180 |
20'>The 14th Century | 0 | - | 4.43 | 38,940 |
20'>The 11th and 12th Century | 0 | - | 4.49 | 44,707 |
30'>WWI A-Z | 0 | - | 4.44 | 34,276 |
20'>History of France Quiz | 0 | - | 4.47 | 38,763 |
100'>Roman Emperors | 0 | - | 4.95 | 90,956 |
30'>Names for Warriors | 0 | - | 4.37 | 34,109 |
20'>Houses of British Monarchs | 0 | - | 4.49 | 50,409 |
30'>History by Letter - A | 0 | - | 4.50 | 133,940 |
30'>History by Letter - B | 0 | - | 4.50 | 150,745 |
30'>History by Letter - C | 0 | - | 4.75 | 147,524 |
30'>History by Letter - D | 0 | - | 4.28 | 121,671 |
30'>History by Letter - E | 0 | - | 4.45 | 123,172 |
30'>WWII A-Z #1 | 0 | - | 4.74 | 90,269 |
30'>WWII A-Z #2 | 0 | - | 4.43 | 48,483 |
100'>Axis Occupied Countries of WWII | 0 | - | 4.99 | 200,518 |
30'>WWII First Names | 0 | - | 4.44 | 37,591 |
20'>WWII Movies | 0 | - | 4.18 | 25,255 |
30'>History by Letter - F | 0 | - | 4.04 | 100,985 |
30'>History by Letter - G | 0 | - | 4.43 | 106,556 |
20'>History by Letter - H | 0 | - | 4.37 | 118,926 |
20'>History by Letter - I | 0 | - | 4.46 | 91,861 |
30'>English Royal Consorts | 0 | - | 4.25 | 33,735 |
20'>History by Letter - J | 0 | - | 4.46 | 135,266 |
30'>History by Letter - K | 0 | - | 4.43 | 88,931 |
20'>History by Letter - L | 0 | - | 4.41 | 98,776 |
30'>Countries of the Japanese Empire | 0 | - | 4.97 | 85,143 |
20'>History by Letter - M | 0 | - | 4.55 | 105,550 |
20'>History by Letter - R | 0 | - | 4.16 | 109,620 |
30'>U.S. Presidential Trivia #2 | 0 | - | 4.46 | 37,754 |
50'>World Leaders of the Cold War | 0 | - | 4.27 | 21,728 |
30'>World Leaders of the World Wars | 0 | - | 4.36 | 33,471 |
30'>Countries Settled by Vikings | 0 | - | 4.93 | 108,616 |
50'>Count in Roman Numerals - 30 Second Sprint | 0 | - | 4.15 | 66,912 |
20'>Art Works Picture Quiz #3 | 0 | - | 4.41 | 40,125 |
30'>WWII Geography | 0 | - | 4.78 | 96,117 |
10'>Soviet Leaders 1917–1991 | 0 | - | 4.38 | 84,891 |
20'>Byzantine History | 0 | - | 4.74 | 25,664 |
30'>People in History A-Z #1 | 0 | - | 4.61 | 88,152 |
30'>People in History A-Z #2 | 0 | - | 4.44 | 48,748 |
20'>Countries Invaded by the USSR | 0 | - | 4.20 | 84,625 |
50'>American Revolution Decoder | 0 | - | 4.12 | 19,645 |
30'>U.S. Civil War Decoder | 0 | - | 4.04 | 23,647 |
30'>WWII Decoder | 0 | - | 4.42 | 47,365 |
30'>People in History A-Z #3 | 0 | - | 4.43 | 41,251 |
30'>Cold War Decoder | 0 | - | 4.63 | 45,750 |
30'>25 Biggest Cities of the Soviet Union | 0 | - | 4.94 | 68,409 |
50'>US Presidents - 1 Minute Sprint | 0 | - | 4.38 | 258,235 |
30'>Military History Vocabulary | 0 | - | 4.91 | 57,755 |
30'>Biggest Cities once in the Roman Empire | 0 | - | 4.63 | 63,375 |
50'>Biggest Axis-Controlled Cities | 0 | - | 4.25 | 33,200 |
20'>The Reign of Queen Elizabeth II | 0 | - | 4.34 | 33,036 |
20'>Largest Cities in Alexander's Empire | 0 | - | 4.47 | 38,034 |
10'>Neutral European Countries of WWII | 0 | - | 4.93 | 125,770 |
10'>Assassinated U.S. Presidents | 0 | - | 4.49 | 77,218 |
10'>Normandy D-Day Beaches | 0 | - | 4.79 | 35,649 |
20'>Countries of the Popes | 0 | - | 4.76 | 77,032 |
20'>Countries the UK Declared War On | 0 | - | 4.60 | 108,313 |
50'>Countries of Europe After World War II | 0 | - | 4.98 | 163,770 |
30'>Countries of Europe Before World War I | 0 | - | 4.99 | 132,554 |
10'>U.S. Five-Star Generals and Admirals | 0 | - | 4.28 | 7,750 |
20'>Countries Most-Visited By Queen Elizabeth II | 0 | - | 4.35 | 46,027 |
20'>The Reign of Henry VIII | 0 | - | 4.24 | 25,741 |
30'>The Reign of Queen Victoria | 0 | - | 4.33 | 21,819 |
20'>The Reign of Napoleon | 0 | - | 4.46 | 35,194 |
20'>Geography of the Roman Empire | 0 | - | 4.51 | 47,158 |
20'>Geography of Ancient Greece | 0 | - | 4.55 | 29,002 |
20'>Biggest Roman Empire Countries | 0 | - | 4.83 | 79,848 |
20'>The Life of Alexander the Great | 0 | - | 4.45 | 17,174 |
20'>The Reign of Queen Elizabeth I | 0 | - | 4.46 | 28,991 |
30'>The Life of Winston Churchill | 0 | - | 4.10 | 11,183 |
20'>Geography of the British Empire | 0 | - | 4.42 | 27,298 |
20'>Soviet Union Country Quiz | 0 | - | 4.82 | 71,994 |
30'>Most-Visited Countries by U.S. Presidents | 0 | - | 4.97 | 172,157 |
20'>The Trojan War | 0 | - | 4.82 | 29,185 |
20'>The Vietnam War | 0 | - | 4.37 | 31,860 |
20'>The Dictator Files: Adolf Hitler | 0 | - | 4.53 | 55,540 |
20'>The Dictator Files: Joseph Stalin | 0 | - | 4.19 | 38,212 |
50'>G7 Leaders Since 2003 | 0 | - | 4.42 | 36,992 |
30'>Word Chain - Greek and Roman Mythology | 0 | - | 4.46 | 48,747 |
30'>Most-Visited Countries by Popes | 0 | - | 4.51 | 60,097 |
10'>Places Where Winston Churchill Said We Would Fight the Nazis | 0 | - | 4.52 | 13,483 |
20'>Roman History by Picture | 0 | - | 4.42 | 23,865 |
20'>Country by Photo of its Leader | 0 | - | 4.64 | 92,827 |
20'>People in Pictures with Queen Elizabeth II | 0 | - | 4.18 | 23,992 |
20'>People Depicted in Paintings | 0 | - | 4.50 | 39,919 |
30'>British History A-Z | 0 | - | 4.39 | 30,374 |
10'>Cities Bombed During WWII | 0 | - | 4.03 | 26,065 |
20'>Greek Mythology General Knowledge #1 | 0 | - | 4.71 | 80,092 |
30'>Mythology A-Z | 0 | - | 4.23 | 32,942 |
30'>French History A-Z | 0 | - | 4.12 | 12,215 |
30'>German History A-Z | 0 | - | 4.16 | 13,024 |
20'>Countries Settled by the Ancient Greeks | 0 | - | 4.52 | 45,136 |
20'>Greek Mythology General Knowledge #2 | 0 | - | 4.51 | 52,796 |
20'>People Buried at Westminster Abbey | 0 | - | 4.60 | 12,904 |
100'>Ultimate 20th Century History Quiz | 0 | - | 4.84 | 44,334 |
20'>WWII Figures by Picture | 0 | - | 4.83 | 37,074 |
30'>Military History A-Z | 0 | - | 4.05 | 19,053 |
50'>Two Letter Roman Numerals | 0 | - | 4.98 | 46,006 |
20'>World War II Multiple Choice | 0 | - | 4.32 | 92,141 |
50'>Territory Changes in World War I | 0 | - | 4.82 | 38,501 |
100'>Giant Great Britain Millennium Quiz | 0 | - | 4.75 | 18,652 |
30'>Countries of the German Empire | 0 | - | 4.46 | 31,947 |
50'>Countries in the Byzantine Empire | 0 | - | 4.93 | 64,724 |
20'>British History Multiple Choice #1 | 0 | - | 4.42 | 42,243 |
20'>Elizabeth I... or Elizabeth II? | 0 | - | 4.28 | 22,978 |
20'>Name a Valid U.S. President #1 | 0 | - | 4.92 | 158,703 |
30'>Countries that Have Won the Most Battles | 0 | - | 4.03 | 34,884 |
50'>Modern-Day Countries of the Roman Empire on a Map | 0 | - | 4.99 | 106,813 |
20'>Battle to Country | 0 | - | 4.87 | 33,522 |
20'>Countries of the Italian Empire | 0 | - | 4.21 | 24,171 |
30'>Empires A-Z | 0 | - | 4.44 | 38,322 |
20'>Ancient Greece - Multiple Choice | 0 | - | 4.49 | 37,652 |
20'>Name a Valid U.S. President #2 | 0 | - | 4.48 | 49,281 |
20'>Name a Valid Answer - World War II | 0 | - | 4.48 | 45,315 |
20'>Biggest Cities in the Confederate States in 1860 | 0 | - | 4.39 | 21,747 |
30'>Most Powerful Countries Bordering Each Other | 0 | - | 4.85 | 47,106 |
20'>The Persian Gulf War | 0 | - | 3.91 | 7,440 |
20'>The Iraq War | 0 | - | 4.36 | 13,906 |