Hint | Answer | % Correct |
"...which began shrinking in the 1960s and largely dried up by the 2010s" | Aral Sea | 94%
"... the world's largest inland body of water, often described as the world's largest lake or a full-fledged sea." | Caspian Sea | 94%
"...it is one of the world's saltiest bodies of water – 9.6 times as salty as the ocean – and has a density of 1.24 kg/litre, which makes swimming similar to floating" | Dead Sea | 94%
"the world's largest freshwater lake by volume, containing 23,615.39 km3 (5,670 cu mi) of water or 22–23% of the world's fresh surface water, more than all of the North American Great Lakes combined" | Lake Baikal | 94%
"the only one of the five Great Lakes located fully in the United States" | Lake Michigan | 88%
"It is the southernmost, shallowest, and smallest by volume of the Great Lakes and also has the shortest average water residence time." | Lake Erie | 82%
"It has the largest shore line length of any of the Great Lakes, counting its 30,000 islands" | Lake Huron | 82%
"Africa's largest lake by area, the world's largest tropical lake, and the world's second-largest fresh water lake by surface area" | Lake Victoria | 82%
"... a large freshwater lake in the Andes mountains on the border of Bolivia and Peru. It is often called the highest navigable lake in the world." | Lake Titicaca | 76%
"...largest saltwater lake in the Western Hemisphere and the eighth-largest terminal lake in the world" | Great Salt Lake | 71%
"...also known as Lake Nyasa in Tanzania and Lago Niassa in Mozambique" | Lake Malawi | 65%
"By the turn of the 20th century, the lake had become a center of research by Hungarian biologists, geologists, hydrologists, and other scientists, leading to the country's first biological research institute being built on its shore in 1927." | Balaton | 53%
"... the largest lake in Sweden, the largest lake in the European Union and the third-largest lake in Europe." | Vänern | 41%
"It is a popular holiday location in northern Italy, between Brescia and Milan to the west, and Verona and Venice to the east" | Lake Garda | 35%
"It is the largest lake located entirely in Europe." | Lake Ladoga | 35%
"... a lake in the Julian Alps of the Upper Carniolan region of northwestern Slovenia, [...] the area is a tourist destination" | Lake Bled | 29%
"The lake is situated where Germany, Switzerland, and Austria meet." | Lake Constance | 29%
"The waters [...] flow out of the lake at its north-west end (Quaibrücke), passing through the city of Zürich" | Lake Zurich | 29%
"The Chiemgau, the region surrounding the lake, is a popular recreation area." | Chiemsee | 24%
"... a lake located in the Finnish Lakeland area in southeastern Finland. At approximately 4,279 square kilometres (1,652 sq mi), it is the largest lake in Finland, and the fourth-largest natural freshwater lake in Europe." | Saimaa | 24%
"The easternmost bay [...], in central Stockholm, is called Riddarfjärden" | Mälaren | 18%
"The dam was breached on 6 June 2023, which international consensus attributes to Russian forces mining and blowing the base of the dam." | Kakhovka Reservoir | 0%