Question | Answer | % Correct |
Who was the first king of Norway? | Harald Hårfagre (Fairhair) | 85%
When did Norway enter WW1? | Norway was neutral during WW1 | 83%
When did Norway gain its independence from Sweden? | 1905 | 75%
In what year did Norway get its constituion? | 1814 | 73%
Who is the Queen of Norway today? | Sonja | 69%
Which trading company controlled most of the trade from Bergen in the medieval age? | The Hanseatic League | 69%
Who was the King of Norway during WW1 and WW2? | Haakon VII | 65%
When did Norway enter WW2? | 1940 | 60%
What city was Norway's capital from 997-1016 and 1028-1217? | Nidaros (Trondheim) | 58%
What is the oldest political party that still exists today? | Liberal Party (Venstre) | 54%
When did Norway, Sweden and Denmark unify to the Kalmar Union? | 1397 | 40%
When did the black death come to Norway? | 1349 | 38%
What event dragged Denmark-Norway into the Napoleonic Wars? | The British attack on Copenhagen | 38%
When did Norway become a puppet state under the Danish king? | 1537 | 27%
What was the national anthem in the period 1814-1820? | Norges Skaal | 21%
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