Bienvenue! Let's test your knowledge on France (metropolitan France only)! In this unique quiz, all the answers to geographical, historical, and cultural questions will be somewhere on the map. As we say in France, 'Merde'!
I present to you the new format of the 'Country Quiz on a Map' series, now with France. New countries, as well as updates, should be coming soon in the series.
I made primarily two modifications:
- A more 'mappish' map (new colors, display of mountain/river names).
- The display of hints directly on the image. Indeed, it has always been a bit tricky to switch between questions and the map, and this should solve the problem (unfortunately, due to space constraints, some hints are more detailed in the usual hint boxes).
Excellent! I love it. The map is very original and beautiful, and the informations interesting. I'm personally French, so I got all of them, although Agincourt was very difficult for me.
Nominated, because it deserves a lot more!
P.S.: Most of the answers are accepted in French, so maybe accept Léonard de Vinci? But it's just a detail, it's excellent!
Merci pour les compliments, ça fait plaisir après avoir passé pas mal de temps à faire les quiz.
Pour les réponses en français, il me semble que De Vinci fonctionne. J'utilise surtout les types-in automatiques de Jetpunk, qui du coup traduit surtout dans la langue d'origine. Ici l'italien de par la provenance de celui-ci :) Le problème, c'est si je commence à tout traduire, ça va à la limite passer pour la France, mais ça risque de devenir bien plus compliqué pour l'Allemagne ou la Russie !
Ah, fantastique! C'est ce qu'il m'avait semblé en consultant votre carte de profil et vos quelques quiz, dont certains en français. Très heureux de découvrir encore un JetPunker francophone très talentueux! Plus qu'à proposer vos superbes quiz sur la section francophone, maintenant. ;-)
Je réitère mes félicitations: bravo pour cette mise à jour des plus réussies! Ce qui me pousse à demander: la version française de ce quiz sera-t-elle également mise à jour de la sorte?
Going off Wikipedia, it appears the Millau Viaduct is the 'tallest' bridge in the world, but not the 'highest'. Tallest relates to structural distance, whereas highest tends to relate to maximum vertical distance between bridge and ground (bridges over gorges are therefore much higher). Might be worth updating the question to be more accurate, although maybe I am being overly picky!
No. There is also the Garonne (which runs from the Pyrenees through Toulouse and Bordeaux). And probably also the Rhine, even if it only borders on Alsace.
(but having checked through all the Wikipedia languages, it doesn't seem as if Alpines is used, although some languages use things like Alpen or Alpina)
The questions to The Umbrellas of Cherbourg, Les Misérables, and Water Lillies are matched to the wrong answers. Leonardo da Vinci and Louis Pasteur are also swapped.
I have corrected all the minor errors you pointed out to me, I apologize for them. I hope you enjoyed this remake of the quiz, I tried to make it more visually appealing and user-friendly by displaying all the information on a single screen.
Ahah, I would like to, but creating these maps is incredibly time-consuming. I have a few countries in mind (Greece, India...), in addition to the planned redesigns. For the smaller or less known countries, I'm thinking of a slightly different format, including several countries from the same region (for example, the Nordic countries or the Levant).
Argh I thought Lily was Lillies when plural, but it's the same as Family. We spell Chillies and Fillies with two Ls so it's an inconsistency in English, as usual!
I present to you the new format of the 'Country Quiz on a Map' series, now with France. New countries, as well as updates, should be coming soon in the series.
I made primarily two modifications:
- A more 'mappish' map (new colors, display of mountain/river names).
- The display of hints directly on the image. Indeed, it has always been a bit tricky to switch between questions and the map, and this should solve the problem (unfortunately, due to space constraints, some hints are more detailed in the usual hint boxes).
I hope you'll enjoy this new version, good luck!
The new update adds many other questions. Don't hesitate to try it again.
Nominated, because it deserves a lot more!
P.S.: Most of the answers are accepted in French, so maybe accept Léonard de Vinci? But it's just a detail, it's excellent!
Merci pour les compliments, ça fait plaisir après avoir passé pas mal de temps à faire les quiz.
Pour les réponses en français, il me semble que De Vinci fonctionne. J'utilise surtout les types-in automatiques de Jetpunk, qui du coup traduit surtout dans la langue d'origine. Ici l'italien de par la provenance de celui-ci :) Le problème, c'est si je commence à tout traduire, ça va à la limite passer pour la France, mais ça risque de devenir bien plus compliqué pour l'Allemagne ou la Russie !
Oui ça devrait arriver prochainement, je prévois aussi de traduire les anciens quiz lors de leurs refontes et les nouveaux qui arrivent.
Léonard de Vinci n'a pas fonctionné pour moi non plus...
Great quiz, with a very rich map.
Only suggestion: the mountains drawing seems a bit weird to me... but that's purely subective ;)
Anyway: Congrat for this awesome map. Nominated for sure!
Thank you for a most enjoyable quiz, @YungBabass!
However (oui), why aren't there the 5 rivers while we're at it ? A problem of visibility or an oversight?
(but having checked through all the Wikipedia languages, it doesn't seem as if Alpines is used, although some languages use things like Alpen or Alpina)
Il am a french
Not to pressure you obviously, I just wanted to share my apreciation and hype.