Nailed it. Got 28 out of 28. Had 1:10 to spare. Would have finished it sooner if i could have came up with whoopi goldberg quicker. Lol. Almost gave up on that one.
After hearing she's from big bang theory, I'm glad I have no idea who she is. I grew up watching Popular Mechanics for Kids with Elisha Cuthbert so that was a no brainer :)
I wasn't sure what her name was, but for some reason, I thought Alicia sounded right. So I tried Alicia, Alisa, Alisha, Alyssa, Alice, Elise, and a few more, but never got Elisha
I really think you should accept alternate spellings of Kaley and Hilary. I've never noticed that Swank only puts one L in her first name, and that Kaley doesn't have an I.
Another vote for Lynn Redgrave. I put her in first too, before switching to Vanessa. She was a marvelous actress, multiple Oscar nominations, and fantastic on Stage. Seeing her doing Shakespeare was one of my all time theatrical experiences.
2 years later and I remember her name wasn't Kelly. But I tried Kayleigh, and Kaylie, and Kailie, and maybe a couple other things before giving up assuming I had forgotten her name again.
Major Roles: One Life to Live, Guiding Light, Heroes, Nashville