Question | Answer | % Correct |
Which country sent an object to the moon first? | Soviet Union | 67%
Orange. A fruit named after the colour, or a colour named after the fruit? | Colour named after the fruit | 45%
Which James Bond actor was born first? | Roger Moore | 44%
Prior to Columbus what was the fastest land transport for Native Americans? | Foot | 40%
Which country completed the first nonstop transatlantic plane flight? | United Kingdom | 33%
Where is Hadrian's Wall? | In England | 30%
Which country/region has never had a pure white flag? | Japan | 29%
How does the speed of a roadrunner compare to a coyote? | A coyote is about twice as fast | 28%
In which US State is the city of Hollywood? | Florida | 26%
Which country fired the first shot (and hit) at Pearl Harbor on Dec 7th 1941? | United States | 25%
The Earth orbits around the centre of mass of which of these? | The solar system | 23%
Which Hollywood giant was a producer of 1986 horror movie The Fly? | Mel Brooks | 20%
The feature film "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" starred which band? | The Bee Gees | 19%
How has the average European male changed over the last 100,000 years? | Become shorter with a smaller brain | 15%
In which country was the oldest boomerang known to mankind discovered? | Poland | 7%
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