Dear Madam, as custodian of the assets of King Udi of Numa
I am seeking an opportunist interested in easy money! You may
have read that King Udi has vanished into thin air. Obituaries say
he is dead, but this is a lie! I am his right hand man, a guardian of
his top secrets, and program manager for his business dealings.
The King fled Numa after the civil war saw his traitorous cousin
emerge as victor. I assisted in the King's escape, then retreated
to one of Numa's remaining free towns, from where I have
been selling off the King's assets before they are lost. (I ran a
company for him managing his diversified wealth - an oilfield
in the Aral Sea, a 27-karat gold sports car, a castle in Numa's
great metropolis, bonds in yellow-chip companies, a hidden
airstrip oligarchs use to avoid customs, and a menagerie of
animals featuring a hippopotamus, cats of all kinds including
three lions, an aardvark with two heads, and a field of black
zebras.) I liaise with the King daily, but can't send the proceeds.
That's where you come in! I will transfer to your bank a range
of deposits. You just need to get your VISA, then send a test
sum of $5000 to the account num ber linked here. If you send
it today I can start transferring the seven-figure takings tonight!
I only ask you keep half the funds aside. When they are needed
by the King I will contact you. I have done the due diligence and
you will be breaking no laws. You'll just be a rich woman! I lay
this offer before you and hope you accept, Ash Kent MSc Oxon
Also I was expecting a Rick Roll from the link there
And I made it on time, this time!
Much thanks, and congrats!
My only suggestion would be maybe add more time!
19/24 on my first try.