_____ Africa
Country of Nelson Mandela
_____ Indies
Region including the Caribbean islands
_____ Germany
Former socialist state 1949–1990
North by _________
Alfred Hitchcock movie
_____ Dakota
US state of Mount Rushmore
_____ern Cyprus
De facto state controlled by Turkey
_________ Asia
Region including Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia
_____ Side Story
Musical with Jets and Sharks
New _____ Wales
Australian state, capital Sydney
_________ China
Region of China also known as Manchuria
_____ Bank
Palestinian territory
_____ern Lights
Aurora borealis
_____ern Orthodox
Second largest Christian Church
_________ Passage
Atlantic-Pacific shipping route via Canada
_____ Timor
Country bordering Indonesia
The _____ Face
Outdoor clothing brand
_____er Island
Chilean territory with Moai statues
_________ Airlines
Low-cost airline based in Dallas
_____ Korea
Country run by Kim Jong Un
_____ Park
Animated TV show with Eric Cartman
_____minster Abbey
British coronation location
_____ Pole
Location first reached by Roald Amundsen in 1911
Clint _____wood
Dirty Harry actor
Go _____
Song by the Village People
_____ern Ireland
Constituent country of the UK
You left this blank
I've made three quizzes and had to spread out the 45 degree answers between them :)
They were all geography questions...
Loved the quiz by the way. I always love itme when someone has an exciting new Idea for a geography quiz after all those hundreds of ideas already used
According to Marx, socialism is the ownership of the means of production by the people (or state). Communism is the theorized end state of socialism where money and the state are no longer necessary.
By these definitions, and those of the East German state itself, East Germany was a socialist country. I will acknowledge, however, that in modern times the words communism and socialism have tended to stray far from their original meanings.
Easter Island is a bit of a stretch, though...
Easter island was not named after a cardinal direction. But a translation of the word Pasen, (easter). The island was named Paaseiland, because it was "discovered" on easter sunday.
Can't say you are wrong because nowhere you mentioned it had to be named áfter a direction. Still it feels like it didn't fit ( and maybe you were unaware, though I don't think so. seeing as you are not unfamiliar with geography :) )
All that aside, very creative idea :) every time you think there can't be a new mode of quizzes