Shot by Bond after using his six bullets in service of Dr. No
Strangled while fighting Bond on the Orient Express
Ground to pieces with a giant drill on his stealth ship
Sent flying into his plane's jet turbine over Korea
Squeezed to death between two limbs of a tree (and liked it?)
Killed in a fall from the Golden Gate Bridge
Spear-gunned in the back by Domino
Shot in the dining room of his underwater citadel, Atlantis
Ground up in an industrial grinder for cocaine
Shot by guards while running after Octopussy's circus train
You left this blank
When I tested the quiz JetPunk puts the pictures next to each other instead of having it replace the first like in your click to kill Bond villains or Elboy's click to assemble country flags quiz. Thanks
Did you have the quiz open and and save it?
Everything I did has been lost and reverted to your version. It was all working.
(btw, please reply below this comment and don't keep making new comment chains)
(It might have undid it when I opened the quiz I kept the tab open but I have a kind of crappy computer sorry again)
Thanks for helping though couldn't have done it without you (hope you're not upset with me) Hope you enjoy the quiz
Don't worry, I'm not upset. Was just confused what happened. It's an easy mistake to make when there are two versions of a quiz open and an earlier version gets saved over the later version. I've done it myself. I could have kept my screen open in case that happened so I could save it back. Just didn't expect it.
Thanks if so, thanks if you can't.