Question | Answer | % Correct |
Tie him to a solid gold table and cut him in half with a laser | Goldfinger | 91%
Leave him on a small island in a lake, surrounded by hungry alligators | Live and Let Die | 86%
Drop a serrated yo-yo on him from the balcony above while he sleeps | Octopussy | 84%
Leave a non-venomous tarantula in his bed | Dr. No | 82%
Use a robot arm to drill into his head with no adverse effects whatsoever | Spectre | 80%
Lock him in a meeting room that you've randomly built underneath your rocket | Moonraker | 77%
Tie him to a rope and haul him through shark-infested coral reefs | For Your Eyes Only | 74%
Disguise as room service and deliver him a cake with a bomb in it | Diamonds are Forever | 70%
Tie him up in a helicopter with its missiles set to launch at itself | Goldeneye | 67%
Adjust his health spa spinal traction machine to a speed with no medical use | Thunderball | 67%
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