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No part of Finland is on the Scandinavian peninsula
Northwestern Finland is on the Scandinavian peninsula, but Finland is not strictly part of Scandinavia
Finland fought both alongside and against Germany in WW2
Alongside in the Continuation War and against in the Lapland War
Finnish author Jean Sibelius wrote more than two hundred novels
Sibelius is Finland's most famous composer
Beating yourself with a branch is normal in a Finnish sauna
Rolling naked in the snow between sauna sessions is another tradition
Lapland is a fictional place based on Northern Finland
Lapland is a real area of Northern Finland (and Sweden), though the real Santa Claus is rarely spotted there
The man with the highest number of sniper kills in any major war was Finnish
Simo Häyhä is believed to have killed over 500 men of the Soviet Army during the Winter War of 1939-40
Finland has the most lakes of any country
This is a myth created by different countries having different definitions of the size of a lake. By like to like comparison Canada has the most lakes
The average Finn consumes 12kg of coffee every year
They vie with Luxembourg for the title of world's biggest coffee drinkers
Before making cell phones, Nokia made toilet paper
Wild polar bears are found in Finland
There are wild brown bears in Finland, but no wild polar bears
Finland has more Winter Olympic medals than Summer Olympic medals
Most of their medals are for athletics and wrestling. In the Winter Olympics cross country skiing is Finland's best event by far
Wife-carrying is a Finnish sport
World championships have been held since 1997
The World Happiness Report ranked Finland #1 in 2020
Finnish salted liquorice was originally given to children as punishment
It was probably originally a cough medicine, until people developed a taste for it... somehow...
A Burger King in Helsinki has its own sauna
Sounds like a whopper, but it's true