Keep scrolling down for answers and more stats ...
1.Has been the world number one in both singles and doubles tennis
Mac ‘n’ Cheese
McEnroe is the only male player to achieve both positions simultaneously. Mac 'n' Cheese has never even broken into the top fifty in singles or doubles.
2.Made with milk
Mac ‘n’ Cheese
Milk is used in making the cheese sauce in Mac 'n' Cheese. Milk is also used in the growth of mammals, of which John McEnroe is an example.
3.Was enjoyed by Thomas Jefferson
Mac ‘n’ Cheese
He encountered the dish in Paris, brought it back to the US and served it at Monticello. Jefferson died before John McEnroe had become famous.
4.Thinks some people cannot be serious
Mac ‘n’ Cheese
John McEnroe famously disagreed with umpire calls with the line "you cannot be serious!" Mac 'n' Cheese isn't known to have opinions about umpires or anyone else.
5.Served in England
Mac ‘n’ Cheese
Macaroni Cheese has a long history in England, with variants dating back to a 14th century cookbook, and Mac 'n' Cheese has increased in popularity since the 2010s. John McEnroe served many times at Wimbledon and other tournaments in England.
6.Has the higher percentage carb content
Mac ‘n’ Cheese
Mac 'n' Cheese = about 20-25% carbohydrate by weight. John McEnroe = much less than that. Average for a healthy adult male is less than 1% carbohydrate.
7.First seen in Germany
Mac ‘n’ Cheese
John McEnroe was born in Wiesbaden, West Germany, though according to his father was made in Belgium.
8.Has been to space
Mac ‘n’ Cheese
Rehydrated Mac 'n' Cheese has been eaten by many astronauts in space. Here is an example returned uneaten from an Atlantis shuttle mission. John McEnroe has not yet been to space.
9.Holds the men's record for the best single-season win rate of the Open Era
Mac ‘n’ Cheese
In 1984 McEnroe had a singles match season of 83 wins to only 3 losses. Mac 'n' Cheese did not compete.
10.Sold by Kraft Foods in boxes since 1937
Mac ‘n’ Cheese
The brand is popular with Canadians, who consume 55% more boxes per capita than Americans. John McEnroe has never been sold in boxes.
11.Commonly eaten in Italy
Mac ‘n’ Cheese
As with other pasta dishes like spaghetti bolognese, mac 'n' cheese may have Italian heritage, but is not a typical Italian dish. John McEnroe is not popularly eaten there either.
12.Inspired the name of a Crayola color
Mac ‘n’ Cheese
Macaroni and Cheese has been a Crayola color since 1993. John McEnroe is yet to be introduced as a color. But it'd probably be a shade of beet.
13.Is celebrated on July 14th
Mac ‘n’ Cheese
July 14th is Macaroni and Cheese day, apparently. John McEnroe celebrates his birthday on February 16th because that's the date he was born on.
14.Had a rivalry with Björn Borg
Mac ‘n’ Cheese
McEnroe also had a rivalry with Jimmy Connors. As far as I'm aware Mac 'n' Cheese got on fine with both.
Apparently, I need to study more on the differences between processed pastas and tennis players. This reminds me of my silly Guppies or Puppies quiz--two unlike things compared based on sounding similar!
Somehow, my brain completely blanked on the fact that there was a "Neither" option sitting right there! and insisted on choosing one or the other of them for all questions.
This... may have cost me a few really obvious answers.
Let's ask Algernon. If it hasn't been in his own private pantry, then it's officially not "international" and it's impossible for anyone outside of the US to know about it.
Fun quiz. In retrospect, I'm just glad I got the one about submarine doors right.
McEnroe is great as a commentator, but as a player...I rooted for Bjorn Borg every single time. McEnroe was extraordinarily talented, but he was an insufferable, obnoxious brat.
Whoa! Hold on with this "42% fat content" nonsense. That may be the percent of *calories* from fat, but no way that could be reasonably interpreted as "percentage fat content" in the same way we talk about body fat percentage, which is by weight.
The actual percent of fat *by weight* of prepared Kraft Mac n Cheese is around 6% (varies slightly by variety and how it's prepared, of course). And it's very plausible (maybe even likely) that McEnroe had a higher body fat percentage than that.
being in the 8% of takers who got the milk question right really fired up my superiority complex! too bad I thought it was referring to a different kind of milk..
Absolutely amazing quiz, first few had me a bit bored but ended up laughing at almost everyone after that. Perfection! Did awfully of course but I don't care, which in itself is another sign of topnotchetness
This... may have cost me a few really obvious answers.
Because love means nothing to them.
So I guess the next quiz is going to be "The Bastille . . . or Mac 'n' Cheese?"
McEnroe is great as a commentator, but as a player...I rooted for Bjorn Borg every single time. McEnroe was extraordinarily talented, but he was an insufferable, obnoxious brat.
I thought they always referred to it as "Kraft Dinner."
Racket Throwin' Raspberry?
Mortal Moron Maroon?
Temper Tantrum Tomato?
Violent Violet?
Grumbling Umber?
Just guessing.
The title alone makes this the best quiz on the entire Jetpunk Site :)
The actual percent of fat *by weight* of prepared Kraft Mac n Cheese is around 6% (varies slightly by variety and how it's prepared, of course). And it's very plausible (maybe even likely) that McEnroe had a higher body fat percentage than that.