Question | Answer | % Correct |
Roasted guinea pig is a Peruvian delicacy | True | 82%
People live on floating islands of reeds on Lake Titicaca | True | 77%
Peru's longest border is with Colombia | False | 75%
The potato originated in Peru | True | 68%
Llamas are close relatives of camels | True | 67%
Peru has the largest non-island city on Earth with no road access | True | 67%
Peru has a sand dune over a kilometre tall | True | 66%
Machu Picchu is the oldest man-made structure in the Americas | False | 60%
The Amazon river begins in Peru | True | 59%
Quechua is a drink made with coca leaves | False | 54%
Peru is the only 4-letter country in the Americas | False | 53%
The Shining Path is a shamanic order in the Peruvian rainforest | False | 50%
The Incas were conquered by conquistador Hernán Cortés | False | 47%
The deepest canyon in the Americas is found in Peru | True | 39%
Ex-president Alberto Fujimori lives in Lima's largest estate, over 15km² | False | 34%
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