The transitions, formatting, and map all look amazing and the hovering is really satisfying! I'm currently out of nominations but I'll make sure to when I can. This needs to be featured!
When on mobile the image breaks up a lot, as well as zooms in whenever you click. I assume this is just something that happens and can’t really be fixed, though.
Yeah sorry, can’t be fixed. I usually have a note on these quizzes saying they aren’t suitable for touch screen. Seem to have forgotten it. Apologies, will add.
Oh. Funny, it said so....How sad. Well, I guess that's one more take for you! (You're so lucky. I am going to be celebrating my 200th take wildly!) But I guess I only joined 3 months ago, so....I'm beginning to blab. Nice quiz! Hope it gets featured.
I managed to get 9/10 on my first try (only missed Alaska 🙄) on touch screen by just rapidly clicking everywhere until I saw pink, it’s a nice challenge for touch screen people!
Well, this works a whole lot better once you read the instructions and realize that you can find the pink states with your mouse rather than just randomly guessing states. That was an exercise in rage and frustration.
Delaware got me the first time :( The second time, though, it was much easier as six of the states were in the upper mid west and bordered each other :)
Great quiz. Anyone who wants to kick up the challenge: Find all the pink states without typing, move the cursor off the map, type from memory. I can't quite do it, but maybe you can : )
Took 3 attempts to get 100%. I had South Dakota all three times. There's a one in a 6250 chance of a having South Dakota coming up 3 times in a row. Nothing to add just thought that was pretty noteworthy unless the quiz maker rigged the system... Probably works for Walls Drug Store.
This is one of the quizzes where it is fun to try to beat your best time. I will not post my best time to avoid setting off a cavalcade of comparison. I will just note that I enjoyed beating my best time.
I missed Delaware
very unlucky
great quiz
Edit: Ohhh I was supposed to mouse over the blackness. Ah well.
And yes, it is possible to finish with 0:00 seconds left on the clock.