leads to quiz #3 leads to quiz #4
??? I only noticed it because I was sharing the links with some advanced English students and it suddenly looked out of order when I put the links together!
I've never heard or seen the word dogsbody before, but it turned there is somewhat interesting history behind it. Here's a link to the wikipedia page for any other interested in etymology: :)
Are you unfamiliar with the word because you're not native speakers, or is it a word with quite localised use? In my world it's quite common, invariably prefixed with the word 'general', but the Wikipedia page seems to suggest most Americans don't know it, unless I'm misunderstanding it leads to quiz #3 leads to quiz #4
??? I only noticed it because I was sharing the links with some advanced English students and it suddenly looked out of order when I put the links together!
I've switched them back. Hope that doesn't confuse matters further.
Nice to hear about you sharing them with the English students. Hope they find them interesting :)
I've never heard or seen the word dogsbody before, but it turned there is somewhat interesting history behind it. Here's a link to the wikipedia page for any other interested in etymology: :)
Glad you like the quizzes :)
(patat = fries)