Movie | Director | % Correct |
Pulp Fiction | Tarantino | 100%
Star Wars | Lucas | 98%
Jaws | Spielberg | 95%
2001: A Space Odyssey | Kubrik | 88%
The Godfather | Coppola | 86%
Taxi Driver | Scorsese | 84%
Memento | Nolan | 79%
The Grand Budapest Hotel | Anderson | 77%
Citizen Kane | Welles | 72%
Fight Club | Fincher | 70%
Seven Samurai | Kurosawa | 63%
Back To The Future | Zemeckis | 60%
The Seventh Seal | Bergman | 56%
8 1/2 | Fellini | 49%
Drive | Refn | 40%
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