Third Parties
Americas biggest environmentalist party.
Green Party
Centrist party that advocates for a more sustainable and self reliable America.
Citizens Party of the United States
A communist party associated with the Pathfinder Tendency
Socialist Workers Party
A centrist party founded in 2004.
Unity Party of America
Progressive party aiming to be a major party free of corporate influence.
People's Party
Party that advocates for less government regulation and a more open society.
Libertarian Party
Party whose main platform is based on copyright reforms.
United States Pirate Party
Revolutionary feminist party.
Freedom Socialist Party
Centrist party that was founded in 2018.
Alliance Party
Another communist party.
Party for Socialism and Liberation
Radically Centrist party that Donald Trump was part of when he ran for president in 2000.
Reform Party of the United States of America
Centrist party founded by Andrew Yang.
Marxist-Leninist party.
Communist Party USA
Conservative party founded after George H.W Bush broke his promise of no new taxes.
Constitution Party
A progressive left leaning party.
Working Class Party
Centrist and centre right party.
Serve America Movement
A Christian Democratic party described as socially conservative, but advocating for a degree of government interventionism.
American Solidarity Party
Social democratic party known for it's advocation of election finance reform.
Justice Party
Party Advocating for a referendum on Alaskan Independance.
Alaskan Independance Party
A Conservative Christian party opposed to abortion and property taxes.
Christian Liberty Party
A left wing anti-war and pro civil rights party.
Peace and Freedom Party
Trotskyist party associated with the fourth international.
Socialist Action
Far right, White supremacist party.
Nationalist Socialist Movement
Black power Marxist party.
New Afrikan Black Panther Party
Described as a Marxist organisation, they believe that capitalism is fundamentally unfair.
Socialist Alternative
A socialist party.
Socialist Party USA
Party advocating for Californian independance.
California National Party
Internationalist communistic party.
Workers World Party
Centre left family party.
Working Families Party
White nationalist party.
American Freedom Party
Revolutionary Black nationalist party.
Black Riders Liberation Party
Party which pushes for native hawaiian sovereignty.
Aloha Aina Party
Advocates of legal Cannibis.
Grassroots - Legalise Cannibis Party
Party that advocates for legal Marijuana.
Legal Marijuana Now Party
Another Trotskyist party associated with the fourth international.
Socialist Equality Party
Party seeking a return of a controversial 1920's law.
Prohibition Party
Another Party advocating legal Marijuana.
United States Marijuana Party