Hint | Letters | Answer | % Correct |
Not low | 4 | High | 96%
Become quiet | 4 | Hush | 95%
What a chick does when it escapes from a shell | 5 | Hatch | 87%
General condition of body and mind | 6 | Health | 80%
Home for a rabbit | 5 | Hutch | 78%
Jewish Festival of Lights | 8 | Hanukkah | 71%
A cent is this fraction of a dollar | 9 | Hundredth | 68%
Implement used to groom what grows on a person's head | 9 | Hairbrush | 67%
Area in front of a fireplace | 6 | Hearth | 67%
Severe, unkind or cruel | 5 | Harsh | 65%
Archaic present tense form of the verb 'have' | 4 | Hath | 61%
Advanced technology abbreviation (has hyphen) | 8 | High-tech | 61%
Cheer of joy or celebration | 6 | Hurrah | 61%
Purified resinous extract of the hemp plant | 4 | Hash | 58%
A sense that something might be the case | 5 | Hunch | 55%
From this time onwards; from now on | 10 | Henceforth | 53%
Playground game involving a stone and numbered squares | 9 | Hopscotch | 53%
Bulbous, spring-blooming, fragrant flowering perennial | 8 | Hyacinth | 50%
Character used in a system of pictorial writing | 10 | Hieroglyph | 48%
Typically small broken check textile pattern | 11 | Houndstooth | 44%
Practitioner of a complementary medicine where "like cures like" | 9 | Homeopath | 41%
Illlicitly distilled alcoholic liquor | 5 | Hooch | 41%
Open uncultivated land, often with poor coarse soil | 5 | Heath | 40%
Temporary difficulty that causes a short delay | 5 | Hitch | 40%
Tobacco pipe with a long tube to draw the smoke through water | 6 | Hookah | 38%
Root vegetable known for its pungent taste and smell | 11 | Horseradish | 30%
British sculptor; Barbara | 8 | Hepworth | 26%
Eel-shaped, slime-producing marine fish with horny teeth | 7 | Hagfish | 25%
18th-century English artist known for "A Rake's Progress" | 7 | Hogarth | 25%
Meaningless talk, baloney, nonsense | 7 | Hogwash | 20%
Seaside resort and landmark castle in North Wales | 7 | Harlech | 18%
Confused mixture of different things | 10 | Hotchpotch | 15%
Home village of the Brontë sisters, now a tourist destination | 7 | Haworth | 9%
Long, slim game fish also often called the needlefish | 9 | Houndfish | 7%
Very small space or distance | 12 | Hairsbreadth | 5%
European finch with a very stout bill and brown plumage | 8 | Hawfinch | 5%
Apparatus for sending messages by using a mirror | 10 | Heliograph | 0%
Seat for riding on the back of a camel or elephant | 6 | Howdah | 0%
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