Hint | Letters | Answer | % Correct |
Bag carried by a strap on your back or shoulder | 8 | Knapsack | 100%
Type of canoe propelled by a double-bladed paddle | 5 | Kayak | 97%
Deliver a blow with the foot | 4 | Kick | 96%
Hit vigorously, perhaps on a door | 5 | Knock | 95%
Camera company founded by George Eastman | 5 | Kodak | 91%
American film director and producer; Stanley | 7 | Kubrick | 83%
Booth for selling tickets | 5 | Kiosk | 82%
Sharp bend in something that is otherwise straight | 4 | Kink | 69%
Brown bear of coastal Alaska | 6 | Kodiak | 55%
Acquired or natural skill at doing something | 5 | Knack | 54%
Commercial bribe paid by a seller to gain an advantage | 8 | Kickback | 42%
Scottish church | 4 | Kirk | 42%
Involuntary and immediate reaction (has hyphen) | 8 | Knee-jerk | 42%
Currency unit into which one ruble is divided | 5 | Kopek | 36%
People descended from a common ancestor | 7 | Kinfolk | 33%
Site of the Wright brothers' first powered flight | 9 | Kittyhawk | 33%
Large town in East Ayrshire, Scotland | 10 | Kilmarnock | 26%
Symbol used in Britain to indicate a product's quality | 8 | Kitemark | 25%
Children's game involving pulling out straws from a tube | 8 | KerPlunk | 19%
City in south-western Russia | 5 | Kursk | 18%
Natural material used for stuffing and insulation | 5 | Kapok | 15%
Town in southern Washington on the Columbia River | 9 | Kennewick | 14%
Market town in England's Lake District | 7 | Keswick | 13%
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