Hint | Letters | Answer | % Correct |
Capital of Norway | 4 | Oslo | 100%
Florida city, home to Walt Disney World | 7 | Orlando | 96%
Midwestern US state | 4 | Ohio | 93%
Chocolate cookie with white cream filling | 4 | Oreo | 93%
Name of a Shakespeare tragedy | 7 | Othello | 92%
Herb of the mint family used in cooking | 7 | Oregano | 91%
Canadian province | 7 | Ontario | 88%
First name of Germany's first chancellor; von Bismarck | 4 | Otto | 87%
Greek alcoholic drink with a distinctive anise taste | 4 | Ouzo | 75%
Brand of meat stock cubes | 3 | Oxo | 58%
Do something to an excessive degree | 6 | Overdo | 57%
One of the longest rivers in South America | 7 | Orinoco | 50%
Musical composition for voices and orchestra | 8 | Oratorio | 30%
Major river in southern Africa that drains into an inland delta | 8 | Okavango | 21%
Roman army rank second in command to a Centurion | 5 | Optio | 12%
Character in Shakespeare's play Twelfth Night | 6 | Orsino | 12%
Rounded convex decorative sculpting profile | 5 | Ovolo | 0%
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