Got all of these except for the first one. Had no idea they spelled his name leach instead of leech.. a bit unfair since he's not even in the comics and I never saw his name in print before. They don't even refer to him by name in the movie, do they? I'm not sure how I know that he was called Leech. The rest were pretty easy except for #2 which personally I would have answered Phoenix or Jean Grey. Good quiz, even though there aren't any questions about First Class, my favorite in the series. :-(
okay. :) I loved First Class. Hate Origins: Wolverine. You could have skipped that one and it would have been alright with me. :D Hopefully the next one will be better.
"The big action sequence..." question was very vague. I had no idea which movie, so I was guessing as many locations for action sequences from the x-men movies as I could remember. Hint: there is a LOT of them!