What is the name of the town with the bomb in the middle?
Who is the sheriff of Megaton?
Lucas Simms
Who wishes to blow up Megaton?
Mr. Burke
Where do you travel to blow up Megaton?
Tenpenny Tower
What is the drink that's most popular in the wastes?
What is the upgrade version of that drink?
Nuka-Cola Quantum
Name of the bar owner in Megaton?
Colin Moriarty
Who sends you out to complete the "Wasteland Survival Guide"?
Moira Brown
What is the name of the radio personality at Galaxy News Radio?
Three Dog
What is the name of the "ship" city?
Rivet City
In the Brotherhood of Steel, what are the people in the red clothing called?
What irradiated creatures have taken most of downtown D.C.?
Super Mutants
Where do most ghouls take refuge?
What is a ghoul called when it's lost all reason and conscience?
Feral Ghoul
What is a ghoul called when it can burst radiation?
A Glowing One
Name of the mercenary company who frequently try to hunt you down?
Talon Company
How many bobbleheads are there to collect?
What is the name of the company who supply the robots?
In a certain perk, what is the name of the man who appears in your VATS system?
The Mysterious Stranger
Who created a Repulic of his own?
What is the name of your canine friend who you find at the Scrapyard?
What is the name of the ONLY forested area in the wastes?
What is the name of the talking tree?
What is the name of the new species growing on Harold?
What does Harold like to call him?
What is the name of the place where slavers operate?
Paradise Falls
What is the name of the place where slave refugee's operate?
Temple of the Union
What town is only inhabited by children?
Little Lamplight
Who is the Mayor?
Where do you end up finding your dad afterwards?
Smith Casey's Garage
What vault is it actually?
What device was your dad trying to create?
The G.E.C.K.
Which group is trying to steal it?
Where are they located?
Raven Rock
Which group is trying to protect it?
Brotherhood of Steel
Where are they located?
The Citadel
Who is the man who has been broadcasting Enclave messages throughout the Wastes?
John Henry Eden
Who do you fight at the end?
Colonel Autumn