Quizzes by burtviile

A list of all the public JetPunk quizzes released by user burtviile.
# of Quizzes 43
# Subscribers 1
Times taken 28,928
Quizmaker Rank # 1,273
6,8902024-11-05World Series Champions 1903-2024
2,0112014-08-20Michigan Cities-all of them
1,9202024-05-19Premier League All Time Table 1992-2024
1,9022015-09-02US States by Population Density
1,7872023-05-20100 Biggest US Counties
1,0512023-03-18US Counties over 250,000
9292014-08-13US States by Population-1850
7102014-08-13US States by Population-1800
7032024-11-05MLB Teams Ranked by Wins (1998-2024)
6452014-11-10US States by Population-1900
5272014-08-13US States by Population-1790
5082014-11-01US Counties by Population Density
5032014-08-13US States by Population-1810
4882023-09-29New York Counties by Population
4812014-11-04US States by Population-1860
4582014-08-13US States by Population-1840
4572014-08-13US States by Population-1830
4552014-08-13US States by Population-1820
4352014-12-02US States by Population-1950
4152014-11-18US States by Population-1870
4062023-05-07Michigan Counties by Population
3942023-03-30US States by Number of Counties
3932014-11-09US States by Population-1880
3902023-05-09California Counties by Population
3792014-11-15US States by Population-1910
3742014-11-09US States by Population-1890
3362014-11-23US States by Population-1940
3272014-11-18US States by Population-1920
3202014-11-19US States by Population-1930
2702021-08-10Premier League Teams Relegated Three or More Times
2662016-09-29Pennsylvania Counties by Population
2482016-06-30US States by Population-1960
2282016-07-04US States by Population-1970
2152016-11-08Florida Counties by Population
2062016-10-10New Jersey Counties by Population
1982016-07-10US States by Population-1980
1782016-07-13Largest Counties in Texas
1582016-07-23Islands of the World by Population Density
1072017-02-20US States by Population-2000
1072022-06-14Recurring US City Names
722015-10-18Mississippi River Watershed
412014-11-19Countries on the 45th Parallel
402017-01-08US States by Population-1990