Hint | Answer | % Correct |
What is the first Horcrux to be destroyed? | Diary | 93%
How many compulsory subjects are there at Hogwarts? | Seven | 91%
Who is head of Hufflepuff House? | Pomona Sprout | 88%
What is Dumbledore's full name? | Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore | 86%
What relationship do Tonks and Draco have? | Cousins | 85%
Who is the ghost of Hufflepuff House? | The Fat Friar | 80%
When does the school year begin? | September 1st | 73%
Who was Voldemort's mother? | Merope Gaunt | 69%
Who is the Muggle Studies professor at Hogwarts (for the first 5 books)? | Charity Burbage | 68%
Who is married to Andromeda Black? | Ted Tonks | 63%
What is Nearly Headless Nick's full name? | Sir Nicholas de Mimsy Porpington | 53%
Which prankster was known as 'River' when hiding his identity on 'Potterwatch'? | Lee Jordan | 51%
How many possible fouls can be comitted in a game of Quidditch? | 700 | 31%
Crookshanks, Hermione's pet, is half cat and half what? | Kneazle | 30%
What is the native language of the Goblin race? | Gobbledygook | 23%
Finish this quote from the first book (and movie): "Marge is ill - ate a funny ?" | Whelk | 17%
Food is the first of the five principal exceptions to whose Law of Elemental Transfiguration? | Gamp's | 16%
What does S.P.E.W. stand for? | Society for the Promotion of Elvish Welfare | 13%
To open the one-eyed witch passage you have to tap the hump and say what spell? | Dissendium | 10%
In what Ministry Department does Mafilda Hopkirk work? | The Improper use of Magic Office | 6%
Who is the editor of the 'Daily Prophet'? | Barnabus Cuffe | 4%
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