I got 2 with the letter. Why on Earth (pun fully intended) would I know the names of shuttles?! leave them in and let the people who have already taken the quiz forget about their gripes within seconds of posting their comment.
The most awesome thing about the space shuttle Enterprise is that it was actually named after the *starship* Enterprise from Star Trek! That’s even more epic of a naming story than Boaty McBoatface, IMHO.
Wasn't alive when John F. Kennedy was assassinated. But there are 2 events where I remember everything about where I was when they happened: the 9/11 attacks and the Challenger disaster. I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when news of those things broke, like permanent snap-shots in my mind.
I think what made the Challenger disaster just a bit sadder than it otherwise would have been was that it wasn't just seasoned astronauts who perished, but also Christa McAuliffe, a school teacher. I think how excited and proud her students must've been as launch approached, and then how horrified and heart-broken they had to be as they watched the catastrophe unfold.
Then again, I also remember every time the Cardinals won the World Series in my lifetime, so it isn't only world-changing events that imprint in my brain.
Always interesting to discover a quiz where I know literally 0 of the answers, even with hints lol. At least here I maybe have the excuse of being non-American and too young?
I think what made the Challenger disaster just a bit sadder than it otherwise would have been was that it wasn't just seasoned astronauts who perished, but also Christa McAuliffe, a school teacher. I think how excited and proud her students must've been as launch approached, and then how horrified and heart-broken they had to be as they watched the catastrophe unfold.