T | % Correct |
To | 99%
The | 97%
Too | 89%
That | 87%
There | 85%
This | 85%
Then | 83%
Take | 82%
Them | 82%
Ten | 81%
They | 80%
Top | 80%
Two | 80%
Their | 79%
Think | 75%
Than | 74%
Though | 74%
Three | 73%
Tell | 72%
Time | 72%
Try | 68%
Through | 62%
Talk | 60%
Test | 60%
Table | 55%
Train | 55%
Teach | 52%
Tree | 52%
Team | 51%
Thing | 50%
True | 46%
Treat | 45%
Throw | 43%
Today | 42%
Teacher | 41%
Track | 41%
Trade | 40%
Turn | 39%
Themselves | 35%
Thus | 35%
Type | 35%
Therefore | 33%
Third | 31%
Travel | 31%
Tax | 30%
Together | 30%
Total | 30%
Town | 28%
Thousand | 27%
Television | 26%
Towards | 26%
Throughout | 25%
Term | 24%
Technology | 21%
Threat | 20%
Trial | 20%
Theory | 19%
Target | 18%
Title | 18%
Training | 18%
Treatment | 17%
Traditional | 15%
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