A Moroccan acquaintance said: "the only thing that grows in our land is hashish." (yes, that is the word he used, it's a verbatim quote) But... suppose that's cultivation and crops, too.
There is actually quite a lot of farmland in Liechtenstein mostly grassland for cows and sheep etc. but they also grow a few fruits like apples and grapes. The country is very lush and green because of it's location in the Rhine Valley.
I was using the "Random" button to select featured quizzes that I hadn't taken yet. Doing so, I ended up getting 100% on two quizzes back-to-back where in each case only 7.8% of quiz takers got 100%. The intent of this comment is not to brag, but to point out that the two quizzes were this one...and "Celebrity Scandals #2." I am not proud...
A fun quiz that challenged me to think of different reasons why a country would make the list. At first I worked on geography that would make farming difficult, and then started to work on small and highly densely populated options. Ran out of time before I could consider lush but heavily undeveloped options like Suriname though.
Both Congos in this list. With the amount of forests and rain they have, I simply neglected them and spent more than a minute naming all other African countries.
Where do Singapore, San Marino, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Andorra farm and what do they even farm...when Mongolia, Saudi and Congo can't?
It's a rugged land in a cold climate, but all of our ancestors depended on it to survive. Tourism and sky resorts are a recent invention :)
Looks to be pretty much solid rainforest.