Hint | Answer | % Correct |
What does a baby elephant see when he falls into Champagne? Pink elephants. Top-shelf Disney. | Dumbo | 92%
Bruce Willis meets Euro-terrorists. | Die Hard | 85%
God wears Chanel. What about the Devil? | Devil Wears Prada | 78%
Not to be confused with the other 100 movies starring Bela Lugosi as a vampire. | Dracula | 70%
Tom Hanks, a cryptex, and one deadly albino monk. | Da Vinci Code | 61%
In Boston, you have moles, double agents, and more. Also: DiCaprio, Damon, and Nicholson. | Departed | 55%
That's how I learned to stop worrying and love the Bomb. | Dr. Strangelove | 51%
What's the most painful in this Vietnam War movie: the endless wedding scene, or Russian roulette? | Deer Hunter | 44%
Quentin Tarantino revenge story, with plenty of violence and curse words. It could apply to all his films, but this one starts with a D. | Django Unchained | 44%
Classic Bond, with Ursula Andress in various states of undress. What's the name of the villain again? | Dr. No | 41%
Susan Sarandon and Sean Penn star in the most thoughtful movie on capital punishment. | Dead Man Walking | 40%
Jim Carrey in one of his most intelligent roles. | Dumb and Dumber | 38%
Space aliens invade South African ghettos. | District 9 | 34%
Omar Sharif must choose: the blonde or the brunette? Also, the Russian Revolution is going on. | Dr. Zhivago | 30%
Glenn Close and risky affairs. Like Fatal Attraction, only in period costume. | Dangerous Liaisons | 24%
What happens when four men and four women meet for dinner in Quebec? They discuss their sex lives. | Decline of the American Empire | 1%
John Wayne battles a Boston snob in French Polynesia. Family classic. | Donovan's Reef | 1%