
General Knowledge for Dummies

Can you answer these mostly easy general knowledge questions?
Quiz by Calce1987
Last updated: May 10, 2020
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First submittedJune 27, 2013
Times taken25,397
Average score90.0%
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Which planet is closest to the Sun?
Name one of the three "countries" that make up Great Britain.
England | Scotland | Wales
What war ended in 1945?
Name one of the seven deadly sins.
Wrath | Greed | Sloth | Pride |
Gluttony | Envy | Lust
What animated movie featured Bugs Bunny and Michael Jordan?
Space Jam
The mandible is the medical term for which part of the body?
Lima is the capital of what country?
What is the last name of Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie?
Fill in the blank: How much ____ would a ____chuck chuck if a
____chuck could chuck _____?
How many does it take to tango?
What cartoon character is Disney's mascot?
Mickey Mouse
What type of person uses a stethoscope?
Doctor or nurse
In what country do most of the world's kangaroos live?
What can have pistils and stamens?
An ambassador is often addressed as "your excellency". A duke is addressed
as "your grace". How does one address the Queen of England?
Your majesty
What is the main ingredient in an omelette?
What is the Spanish word for "hello"?
What is the capital of France?
What word is the opposite of melt?
What is the term for a creature with the top half of a woman
and the bottom half of a fish?
Level 33
Jun 30, 2013
Hopefully 11 squeaks me just above dummy level. Northern Ireland is also part of Great Britain.
Level 30
Jul 1, 2013
Northern Ireland is part of the United Kindgdom, the UK is made of up Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Great Britain being England, Scotland and Wales
Level 85
May 10, 2020
To make it visually easier to grasp:

England + Scotland + Wales = Great Britain

Great Britain + Northern Ireland = United Kingdom

Level 60
Jun 18, 2020
Well, that is a somewhat accurate representation for beginners, but I would argue that the United Kingdom includes more stuff than just Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Level 78
Jun 18, 2020
Arguably, but the full name of the country is literally "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland."
Level 80
Jun 18, 2020
@Eigengrau The United Kingdom only consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The largest island within this kingdom is Great Britain, which comprised most of the first three constituent countries. However there are also other minor islands such as the Shetland and Orkney Islands (belonging to Scotland) and the Isle of Wight (belonging to England). The Isle of Man and the Channel Islands are British Crown dependencies that are not considered part of the UK; same with the British Overseas Territories (Gibraltar, Falkland Islands etc.)
Level 13
Aug 1, 2013
The first thing I typed for the woodchuck question was "as much wood as a woodchuck could if a woodchuck could chuck wood", I missed the first bit. When that didn't work, I tried "A woodchuck would chuck no amount of wood because a woodchuck can't chuck wood" (from Monkey Island, transliterated). After that I gave up...
Level 81
May 10, 2020
Pride was my favourite sin, that little guy was creepy. And whilst I'm being a weeb - "What can have a pistil and a stamen? Franxx."
Level 78
May 11, 2020
Does that mean that lions are all sinners?
Level 84
May 11, 2020
Solidify for freeze? It took me a while to think of the correct answer 😊
Level 78
Jun 18, 2020
That wouldn't count, as things can solidify in more than one way. Deposition, for instance, is when something goes directly from a gas to a solid without being a liquid in between. This is how frost is made, for instance. The opposite of melting ("a solid turning into a liquid") would have to be "a liquid turning into a solid," which is freezing.
Level 24
Jun 22, 2020
I wrote freezing, frost. frozen. Couldnt remember "freeze" xd
Level 76
May 11, 2020
Freeze isn't the opposite of melt. If butter melts, then the process to reverse that is solidifying, because it remains, even after hardening, at well above freezing temperature.
Level 77
May 11, 2020
Wikipedia and Merriam Webster disagree with you: usually freezing refers to water, but it doesn't have to.
Level 85
May 12, 2020
When any solid becomes a liquid, that's called melting. When any liquid becomes a solid, that's called freezing. It has nothing to do with the freezing/melting point of water. Carbon has a freezing/melting point of 3800 K. Hydrogen has a freezing/melting point of 14 K (-259 C). It's all relative.
Level 54
May 11, 2020
Not sure how you'd address the Queen of England. There isn't one.
Level ∞
May 11, 2020
She died?
Level 79
May 11, 2020
Yes, the last Queen of England died over 300 years ago.
Level 68
May 11, 2020
I think the key here is she's not *just* the queen of England, but also the rest of the UK.
Level 79
May 11, 2020
No, because that's not her title. It's no more correct than calling her the Queen of a petrol station just outside Scunthorpe.
Level 85
May 12, 2020
It's a good point. Elizabeth the Second is not the Queen of England. I'm not sure that it's worth correcting to "United Kingdom", though. Just remove "of England". You call The Queen "your Majesty".
Level 72
May 12, 2020
Why not "Your Highness"?
Level 79
May 13, 2020
Why indeed. There are lot of these - your grace, your eminence, your honour, your excellency. Highness seems to be appropriate for your common royal - Princes and the like - rather than the top banana herself.
Level 82
May 14, 2020
The nitpick is strong today. :-)
Level 72
May 20, 2020
And noone is claiming this is about queen elizabeth II,
Level 59
Jun 18, 2020
Grace is for duke, excelence is for cardinal, honour is for judge, etc. There are alot of these, but they are supposed to be used for a specific person. Just because we tend to use them interchangeably doesn't mean it is correct.
Level 81
Jun 22, 2020
I motion to start calling her The Queen of a Petrol Station Just Outside Scunthorpe.
Level 53
Sep 24, 2022
well this is interesting to see a couple of years later
Level 69
Jun 18, 2020
I will never understand how people always say "Queen of England" (wrong) but "British accent" (also wrong).
Level 69
Jun 18, 2020
There is no Easter Bunny, there is no Tooth Fairy, and there is no Queen of England!

Level 43
Jun 19, 2020
I didn't vote for her
Level 68
Sep 24, 2022
Are you a time traveller?
Level 62
Jun 18, 2020
Accept condense for opposite of Melt?
Level 78
Jun 18, 2020
But condensing is when a gas turns into a liquid, which would not be the opposite of a solid turning into a liquid.
Level 67
Jun 18, 2020
Your Royal Highness was not accepted.

Mandible? Never heard of it.

The one with chuck was impossible for me. Wtf?

Level 62
Jun 19, 2020
Highness is for princes and princesses, majesty for monarchs. Americans just always get it wrong in their movies.
Level 59
Jun 18, 2020
Isn't Northern Ireland also a "country"?
Level 58
Jun 18, 2020
It is not part of 'Great Britain' but it is part of the UK. (The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the full name)
Level 65
Jun 18, 2020
I feel dirty scoring these 5 points
Level 46
Jun 18, 2020
I froze up on the Queen of England address one for a minute lol
Level 62
Jun 19, 2020
Only missed the movie.
Level 71
Jun 19, 2020
Wouldn't "siren" be acceptable for the last clue? Are they not also half women, half fish? I mean, I know I could google it, but you guys are so much better to explain that kind of stuff...
Level 63
Jan 14, 2021
Part woman, part bird actually. Often portrayed like mermaids in film though.
Level 51
Jun 19, 2020
I got the 4th question right even though I am not a Christian.
Level 59
Jul 3, 2020
its quite easy lol
Level 75
Mar 7, 2021
I got the first one right even though I'm from Earth :p
Level 75
Jun 22, 2020
I think "submarine captain" is a good profession to use an stethoscope
Level 86
Jul 28, 2022
Level 82
May 27, 2021
All I could think of was "Spaceballs," since we watched that movie recently. I knew it was wrong!
Level 59
Aug 25, 2021
maybe allow "mouth" for the mandible question?
Level 68
Sep 24, 2022
The 15th question should be updated to the ‘King of England’.
Level 66
Sep 24, 2022
No really general knowledge. Too much biased to the US?
Level 20
May 7, 2024
should be Name one of the seven deadly sins. Instead of Name one the seven deadly sins.